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Corvette Assembly Manual January 1978
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V r A 1 R PUMP f 4e T s HHH Belt setting tension on al l 3 1S belts as to be 120 m lbu we mum l GEN used or 1 un in residual tension of 55 lbs set cold Belt setting tension on 500 ami TRACK V 30 K V 0 belt is to be 150 to 175 lbs with a residual tension oi 100 25 lbs set cold t G TT L J Q Hmm Any tensioning oi replacement belts should follow the original belt Q 4 I setting speciiimtions above Any re tensioning required of previously installed I e V W PUMP and used or run in belts due to repairs or part replacement shouki be 55 lbs T rijx I l m1 1mum eet coldjlor all 3 15 bel ts and 100 x5 lbs set cold mr al1 500 belts T 3 L These latxer speciiications are such that the residual or stabilized tension will Q 1ST TRACK result in these nguree at me time me vehicle is shipped from the pmt A c CMPB I rl P Belts are to be eneeked for correct tension with 1 Burreugns Gage BT sa ss ACB s PUMP 2N D TRACK V A T T if C SHAFT T J g I I f sm TRACK 9 mn 4 l M ew m N Qu C en W m l ee e 4 D C 9 77 CORVETTE M rr 464887 gg gi N Z8 i fg 1 BELT Tmslomwe L HYD 1 1YA00 ALL ECR 70005 Q M me E 6K 3 X 1 1 1 C 0 6 3