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Corvette Assembly Manual January 1978 |
U O s 1 BODY AND EMBLEM OR SCRIPT PREPARATION 3 ADI IKRION TEST REQUIREMENT A Clean area of body surface where emblem or scripts are to be A l Emblems or scripts shall not eidnbit any cvidencecf bond failure applied maximum ol three 3 job lengths prior to emblem or when sublected to the following force applied normal tc emblem script installation with a suitable solvent 9981293 isopropyl mounting surface alcohol 50 50 mixture by volume with water 9981062 high Part No Pounds msn naptha or cquivalent use clean elem change 472717 as I y 2 Emblem or serig iest to be conducted at an ambient temperature B Dry 5 m wm cm aa l c M l l of every g gt gg g j be gQ 2 C me me Z m ef two 9 5 em two 2 hours Care should be taken to insure there is no surface re contamination previous to emblem or script V installation B Emblem or script must be uniforml bonded for entire len th Y E C Emblems or scripts are to be removed from cartons and placed Any section of emblem or script removed after once on heat table adhesive side to heat in contact with the body surface must not be reused See data drawing 1740857 for approved repair procedure D Body and part temperature at time of emblem or scripts application must be B0 F Z6 C minimum or l0 above the o air Eemperature iu the application area whichever is higher 105 F 40 C maximum Part must be uniformly heated to insure that both body surface and emblem or scripts are free of moisture during installation 2 EMBLEM OR SCRIPT APPLICATION TO BOI Y A Load emblem or scripts in fixture and remove protective Liner immediately prior to installation in an atmosphere Lree of obvious contaminants dirt dust adhesive sprays fibers etc Adhesive snu face must not be touched or brought in contact with any surface or fbrcign matter B Apply the emblem or script to the body surface and clamp to obtain 015 H8 mm minimum compression of foam tape for bonding maintaining the temperature and cleanliness requirements as previously described 1 yl r m ME E ww W um i 7 CO V TTE In H 4648 L EEE Q V ewmnem u iALr a iO1w Arm 2 ng TESTING FR OLEDURhS g mz IYAOO 5 72 S Q 7 7 L 7 1 B0 I Z 3 9 pa esac l B L 7 iz