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TROUBLES j BRAK Symptom and Probable Cause Peel eI Spongy a Air in brake lines All rakes Drag a Mineral oil in system b Improper push rod to main cylinder piston clearance c Compensating port in main cylinder restricted Onr Brake Drags a Loose or damaged wheel bearings b Weak broken or unhooked brake shoe return spring c Insufficient running clearance between brake shoes and drum d Incorrect parking brake adjustment III e Damaged or frozen parking brake cable Exa csive Pedal Travel a Normal lining wear or improper shoe adjustment b Fluid low in main cylinder Bral e Pedal Applies Brake but Pedal Gra lually Goes to Floor Board I a External leaks b Main cylinder leaks past primary cup Brai es Uneven a Grease on linings b Tires improperly inflated c Front suspension faulty i Exa ssive Pedal Pressure Required Poo Brakes a Grease mud or water on linings to Full area of linings not contacting drums c Scored brake drums Bra e Pedal Hop or Chatter a Brake drums warped AND REMEDIES E SYSTEM Probable Remedy a Bleed brakes a Flush entire brake system and replace all rubber parts b Adjust clearance c Overhaul main cylinder a Adjust or replace wheel bearings b Replace retractor spring c Correctly adjust brakes d Readjust parking brake at equalizer e Free up or replace brake cable assy a Adjust brakes b Fill main cylinder as outlined under Main Cylinder Installation a Check main cylinder lines and wheel cylinder for leaks and make necessary repairs b Overhaul main cylinder a Clean brake mechanism replace lining and correct cause of grease getting on lining b Inflate tires to correct pressure c thoroughly check and adjust all front suspension components a Remove drums clean and dry linings or replace b Free up shoe linkage sand linings or replace shoes c Turn drums and install new linings a Replace drums CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL