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Corvette Assembly Manual January 1978
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header tml net l l m l35 R TOOL lV ANDREL Underside ct Blim mw Q perpendlculax te 1 I flush to panel for complete 360 cpntacl panel for upset I f Nut threaded tight to vlilth panel before setting the Rive r header tml mandrel millm I PANEL prior to upset Rlveter Tool and Blind V l RWET 1 R he mvm En l 1 4 dicnlar to panel unless 0 x otherwise specified when f K QI RY t isnpsei Underslrle ol nut p We head must be lush Header tool pull up stud tu ex p to panel for complete tend thru nut prior to upset to L 360 contact with panel avoid detormed or stripped threads o unset shank as FRONT MOUNTING RSVNUT OB JACK NUT TYPE l Hole um ls drilled at usembly must be amiga using VFLASTKC a drlll fixture and the hole size must be controlled to the 2 METAL e dimensions shown inthe respective lnsialletlon view Holes must also be perpendicular to panel surface unless utherwlse G specmea RWM BLND mvlwr PART TNSTALLATXGH 4 Xi Rivet ettamlment between plastic FOLD DOWN as A metal must be upset on metal side HOSE Jxg T0 YNSTALL V 7 CLIP HO E Q V V BIVHT INSTALLATION fp MSE sl l2C1AL V 4 li j Q YA 7 Retainer must be I V l lnstalled as shown M i Q A r g V mm m j T il T w l s1 lKR l J STEP 1 STEP 2 PEEL V Q ClAL cnr MET R I C M me l E lI m E 3 Z 7 2 Z2 ii 13 23 mm mm me em 11 1 fjfTjj Y H 78 Au VEHICLES n m mm 1 ek im unmji 1H 2 RETMNER lNsTRucT10Ns c gpm e srzcmt L p w w 5 ji I Z TlZ Z Z 21232 Y 1 1l m ifL ALL vpsszuczn at TRUCK uc m i nlm 1 L J 3 1 gj L ec 1 p we 1 sf 5525 ii O