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Parts and Accessories Catalog 41 May 1981 |
ALPHABETICAL INDEX y S S V SCREW Auto Jack 8 820 VALVE Heater Water Flow 8 866 SCREW Front Fender 8 143 VALVE Heater 8 845 SCREW Heater A C 8 849 VALVE KIT Temperature Control 8 850 SCREW Heater and Defroster 8 857 VALVE Temperature Control 8 858 SCREW Heater And Blower Motor 8 855 SCREW Heater Water Flow 8 866 SCREW Hood Hinge 8 016 SCREW Hood Latch Release Cable 8 077 VV SCREW Hood Latch 8 080 SEAL Front Fender Panel 8 131 SEAL Front Fender 8 154 WASHER Front Fender 8 143 SEAL Heater and Defroster 8 857 WASHER Front Fender 8 154 SEAL Heater And Blower Motor 8 855 WASHER Hood Molding 8 056 t SEAL Heater Core 8 854 WASHER Hood Panel 8 015 SEAL Heater 8 845 WASHER Litter Container 8 891 SEAL Hood Panel 8 010 WHEELHOUSE Front Fender 8 153 SEAT Hood Molding 8 056 WIRE Heater And Blower Motor 8 855 SHAFT Heater Control 8 852 WIRE Heater Control 8 852 SHAFT Heater 8 845 WRENCH Jack Wrench 8 821 SHIELD Front Fender 8 153 SHIELD Heater Core 8 854 SHIELD Rear Wheel Opening 8 175 I SHIM Front Fender 8 143 Y SHIM Hood Hinge 8 016 SHROUD Heater Core 8 854 I SHUTTER Heater Core 8 854 YOKE Heater Core 8 854 SIGNAL LEAD Heater Control 8 852 SKIRT Front Fender 8 153 SLEEVE Auto Jack 8 820 SLEEVE Jack Wrench 8 821 SPACER Heater 8 846 SPACER Hood Molding 8 056 SPRING Auto Jack 8 820 SPRING Heater Control 8 852 SPRING Heater Core 8 854 SPRING Hood Hinge 8 013 SPRING Hood Latch 8 080 SPRING Hood Latch 8 083 SPRING Hood Latch 8 085 SPRING Hood Molding 8 056 STRAP Heater Core 8 854 STRAP Heater 8 846 STRAP Hood Panel 8 015 STRIPE Front Fender and Body Ornamentation A Body 8 132A STRIPE Front Fender and Body Ornamentation B Body 8 132B STRIPE Front Fender and Body Ornamentation I C Body 8 132C STRIPE Front Fender and Body Ornamentation E Body 8 132E STRIPE Front Fender and Body Ornamentation H Body 8 132H STRIPE Front Fender and Body Ornamentation T Body 8 132T STRIPE Front Fender and Body Ornamentation I X Body 8 132X STRIPE Hood Panel Ornamentation 8 055 SUPPORT Auto Jack 8 820 SUPPORT Front Fender 8 141 SUPPORT Hood Latch 8 080 SUPPORT Hood Panel 8 015 SUPPORT Rear Wheelhouse Opening Panel 8 179 SWITCH Heater Control 8 852 I T TEE Heater Water Flow 8 866 TEE Heater 8 846 TRANSFER Front Fender and Body Ornamentation A Body 8 132A TRANSFER Front Fender and Body Ornamentation B Body 8 132B WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION BU CK 41 8 3 A INDEX