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NOTE In cases where the balls are stopped by the end of the worm hold down those balls already dropped into the nut with the blunt end of a clean rod or punch and turn the worm in the reverse direction o few turns The filling of the circuit can then be continued It may be necessary to work the worm back and forth holding the balls down first in one hole then the other to dose up the space between the balls and fill the circuit completely and solidly 3 Place remaining 12 balls in halves of ball guides six in each of two halves fig 4 17 J r Fig 4 17 Filling Ball Guides 4 Close this half of guide with the other half Hold the two halves together and plug each open end i 4 f G ye 1 rl d C Fig 4 18 Inserting Ball Guides in Nut with vaseline so balls will not drop out while installing guide 5 Push the guides into the guide holes of the nut fig 4 18 If the guides do not push all the way down easily tap lightly into place 6 Assemble the ball guide clamp to the nut being sure to use a lock washer under the clamp screw then tighten the screw securely Check the assembly by rotating the nut on the worm to see that it moves freely Do not rotate the nut to the end of the worm threads as this may damage the ball guides If there is any stickiness in the motion of the nut some slight damage to the ends of the ball guides or to other gear components may have been overlooked Steering Gear After a major service overhaul where all of the original factory installed lubricant has been washed out of the steering gear assembly the thread of the adjuster side cover bolts and lash adjuster should be coated with a suitable non drying oil resistant sealing compound such as Permatex No 2 This is to prevent leakage of gear lubricant from the steering gear assembly The compound should not be applied to female threads and extreme care should be exercised in applying this compound to the bearing adjuster as the compound must be kept away from the wormshaft bearing Also apply grease to the worm bearings pitman shaft bushing and ball nut teeth 1 With wormshaft and pitman shaft seals and bearing cups installed and ball nut assembly installed on wormshaft slip upper ball bearing over wormshaft and insert wormshaft and nut assembly into housing feeding end of shaft through upper ball bearing cup and seal 2 Place ball bearing in adjuster cup and install adjuster and lock nut in lower end of housing 3 Assemble the lash adjuster with shim in the slot in T W F Fig 4 19 Checking Lash Adjuster End Clearance