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Illustration Catalog 41A September 1980
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t B8 1 17 1976 79 T HEATER DEFROSTER SYSTEM 1 HEATER Incl Key No 42 51 8 845 36 PLUG Evap Fix Hole 9 211 2 BOLT Htr to Dash 8 845 37 GROMMET Cont Cable 9 775 3 WASHER Ia x la 8 929 38 HOSE Htr to Inlet Mfld N S 4 NUT Htr Unit to Dash 7 874 39 CLIP Hose to Inlet Mfld Upr 1 166 5 BLOWER ASM Htr Incl Key No 45 40 CLAMP Hose to Inlet Mfld Lwr 1 097 53 8 855 41 GRILLE Fresh Air Ctr 9 264 6 NUT Htr Unit to Blower 2 334 42 CASE ASM Htr 8 854 7 PACKING Htr Cover to Dash N S 43 CORE ASM Htr 8 854 8 WASHER gz IO x 2 8 929 44 SHUTTER ASM Upr Htr 8 854 9 SCREW Tap Dash to Blower 8 855 45 LEVER Shutter Cont Htr 8 854 10 COVER Frt Blower 8 857 46 SPRING Shutter Cont Lvr Htr 8 854 11 SCREW Tap Frt Cover 8 857 47 SHUTTER ASM Lwr Htr 8 854 12 WASHER 10 x 2 8 929 48 LEVER Shutter Cont Htr 8 854 13 HOSE Inl l lanif to Valve 8 846 49 LEVER Htr 8 854 14 HOSE Valve to Htr 8 846 50 SEAL Htr Case 8 854 15 VALVE ASM Water 8 866 51 KIT Htr Atch 8 854 16 SCREW Ft Vlv to Body 8 866 52 CASE ASM Blower Incl Key No 53 8 857 17 WASHER I 4 10 x 1 8 931 53 SEAL Blower Case 8 856 18 CLIP Hose 1 166 54 MOTOR ASM Fan Blower 8 855 19 LEVER ASM Htr Cont Incl Key No 55 RESISTOR Blower 8 855 62 66 N S 56 SEAL Resistor to Blower 8 855 20 WASHER 10 x 2 8 929 57 HARNESS Blower 8 852 21 WASHER G x 2 8 931 58 SEAL Part of Blower N S i 22 SCREW Lvr to Inst Pnl 8 913 59 COVER Part of Blower N S 23 KNOB Htr Cont Lvr 8 852 60 KIT Blower l VItr Atch Incl Key No 24 HOSE Defr 9 779 61 8 855 25 NOZZLE Defr 9 779 61 SEAL Fan Mtr Blower 8 855 26 NUT Nozzle to Inst Pnl 2 334 62 LEVER Htr Cont Incl Key No 63 8 852 27 OUTLET Air Htr to Inst Pnl 9 262 63 SWITCH Fan Cont Lvr 8 852 28 NUT Air Outlet to Inst Pnl 7 829 64 CABLE Cont Lvr to Htr 9 787 29 CLAMP Band Air Duct 9 789 65 CABLE Cont Lvr to Valve 9 787 30 CAP Air Outlet 9 789 66 KIT Cont Lvr Htr Atch 9 787 31 PLUG Tank Hole 9 787 67 CABLE Cont Lvr to Blower 9 787 32 GROMMET Cont Cable 9 775 68 SWITCH Cont Lvr 9 275 33 GROMMET Htr Hose 9 775 69 RELAY Htr 8 854 34 CLIP Cont Cable 9 787 70 FAN Blower Mtr 8 857 35 CLIP Cont Cable Fresh Circ 9 787 GlVl PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION BUICK 4IA 9 80 Ta 5 8 000 GROUP