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Parts and Accessories Catalog 41 May 1981
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SPEEDOMETER GEAR CHARTS B217 1979 SPEEDO GEAR USAGE CHART A CAR Q z z 50 447 47 ov C9 7 Y P185 75R14 P205 70R14 M33 F V P195 75R14 F T Q AII Mss G c P185 75R14 S J P195 75R14 M33 H J P205 75R14 C K P185 75R14 3 8 M33 l T J P195 75R14 H U J P185 75R14 P205 70R14 M38 J Z J P195 75R14 J W I P185 75R14 II T J P195 75R14 MV9 n U J P205 70R14 A li u J P185 75R14 MI5 A Y J P195 75R14 P205 70R14 A A K P185 75R14 M20 A Y J P195 75R14 P205 70R14 A A K P185 75R14 M29 n A J P19snsR14 P205 70R14 ISI X P185 75R14 P205 70R14 M29 C C E Fwsnsma C IIE F1a5nsFa14 3 23 M29 Q T J P195 75R14 P205 70R14 ll U J P185 75R14 5 5 J P195 75R14 M29 E V J P205 70R14 H v J P185 75R14 P205 70R14 M33 F C P195 75R14 F ll P185 75R14 M33 G H J P195 75R14 P205 70R14 G IK J P185 75R14 Mss lll T J P195 75R14 P205 70R14 H U J P185 75R14 M33 ll J P195 75R14 P205 70R14 I V J P185 75R14 M38 J A J P195 75R14 P205 70R14 J X I P185 75R14 J P195 75R14 P205 70R14 MV9 IQ v J J NOTE With Trans Stamped CR With Trans Stamped BZ With Trans Stamped PH With Trans Stamped PG With Trans Stamped KD KE With Trans Stamped KJ JD With Trans Stamped JC MP With Trans Stamped MA MH WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT ON BUICK 41 REV 5 81 4 15 c 4 000 GROUP