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Parts Book SPRINT-57 April 1981 |

Group Index ENGINE CLUTCH 0 COOLANT GRILLE 0rL svsrervr I CHASSIS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 2 FUEL EXHAUST 3 CARBURETION TRANSMISSION 4 BRAKES BRAKES REAR 5 FRONT AXLE 6 SPRINT sT E FRAME SPRINGS 7 BUMPER STARTING WITH SIERIAL NUMBER SHEET METAL 8 110001 500001 HEATER BODY MTG AIR COND INSTR 9 All illustrations and specifications contained in this catalog are based on WINDSHIELD the latest production information available at the time of publication approval CMC Truck Coach Division reserves the right to make changes at any time DOORSTONTROLS I0 without notice in colors materials equipment specifications and models and also to discontinue models REAR GLASS I I SEAT AND ADJUSTER METAL TRIM CLIPS PRINTED INI ITS ENTIRETY AND pANELg EFFECTIVE APRIL 1981 BODY WIRING GMC TRUCK COACH DIVISION INTERIOR TRIM TRUCK PARTS PIJIBLICATIONS DEPT BELLEVILLE IVIICHIGAN 48111 REAR rmrvr wrArs 5 SPRINT 57 Numerical Index Parts Publication 4Ivl Printed in U S A April 1981 Alphabetical Index