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TRIM COMBINATION CHART NOTE It trim is not listed under group in which it is used refer to yardage material group 15 500 Comb 1947 Comb 1951 No Material Modek No Material Models 129 Greyish Tan Pile Fabric 1200 exc Sdl 163 Brown Imitation Leather Sdl 130 Grey Striped Pile Fabric 1011 19 27 27B 202 Tan Imitation Leather Sta Wag 131 Tan Novelty Bedford Cord 1011 19 27 27B 172 Grey Imitation Leather Taxi Cab 132 Tan Striped Fabric 1007 69 13 gluefrey Imitation Leather Sdl 1952 4 h 144 B1 e Licgthirr 210 Light Grey Pattern Cloth 1200 exc Sdl 145 Rea Leather Cena 211 Light Grey Chevron Cloth 1000 exc Conv B A 146 gah Leather Canv Dark Grey Broadcloth Sta Wag 147 me Leather Conv 212 Light Blue Chevron Cloth 1000 exc Conv B A 148 Red Leather Conv 149 Tan Imitation Leather Sta Wag D 1 Blue Br d 1 1h S1 W g 1948 213 Light Green Chevron Cloth 1000 exc Conv B A Sta Wag 137 Blue Black Imitation Leather Sdl 224 Tan and Brown Leather Conv 144 Blue Leather Conv 225 Red Leather Conv 145 Red Leather Conv 226 Light and Dark Green Leather Conv 149 Tan Imitation Leather Sta Wag 227 Light and Dark Blue Leather Conv GIQY S11 1p L 1 Pile Fabric 1211 19 27 27B Blqck Lgqthgr C0nv 151 Tan Striped Pile Fabric 1011 19 27 234 Tan Leatl1er Brown Cloth Bel Air 152 Tan Novelty Bedford Cord 10 19 27 1211 19 27 235 Red Leather Grey Cloth Bel Air 236 G th G 1 th B l A 153 Tan Striped Fabric 1007 69 237 Bl1 eLea11Rer iBlu Gl1 th 0 B 155 Green Leather Conv 239 Black Leather Grey Cloth Bel Air 1949 240 White Leather Coral Cloth Bel Air 216 Dark Grey Imitation Leather Sdl 156 Tan Striped Pile Fabric 1200 exc 551 218 Tm 1m1 f 1 1 h S W 157 Tan Slllp d Pile F 1 I 1C 1007 8 11 27 69 214 G 1m1 1 h Tm C 1 158 Tan Striped Cloth 1007 8 11 27 69 1953 160 Red Leather Conv 161 lgue Le iather gonv 241 Light Grey Dark Grey 162 reen eather onv P tt C1 th 1000 C St 163 Brown Imitation Leather Sdl Q em O Wqgjxc mv G 166 Brown Imitation Leather Sta Wag 242 Light B1ue Darl Blue 167 Black Leather Conv Pattern Cloth 108 exc Conv Sta ag 1950 243 Light Green Dark Green 170 Grey Striped Cloth 1300 exci Ecu B A Pattern Cloth 10 g exc Conv Sta W 171 Grey Striped Broadcloth 1 00 exc onv 172 Imitation Leather 1269 Taxi Cab 244 1 gt g w 1000 exc Conv Sta 175 Red Leather Grey Pile Cord Conv Wag 176 G gjd1 1 G Y 1 1 com 249 Light amy Pattern Cloth 1211 exc 510 w0q 177 Blue Leather Grey Pile Cord Conv 179 B1 g kCg 1h r Gr Y me C 245 L h1 E t td P 1011 WD 1000 WD or onv 185 Red Leatheil Grey Pil Ford Bel Air 246 L1 h E 1B 1 1 I Pattern 1011 WD 1069 WD 186 Green Leat er Grey ie 247 L ht G L dd P H CO d Bel Air ig reen a er a ern 187 Blue Leather Grey Pile Cord Bel Air 248 L Plum Cloth 1011 WD 1069 WD ight Tan Ladder Pattern 189 B1 ef 1 C1 h G1 Y 1 1 Bel Air 5 Plain Cloth 1011 wo 1069 wo 195 5e5 1 e01110r T0D Bedford 254 1 ight 19 1 m C1 1 11037 D Card Cana Tan Imitation Leather 196 Green Leather Tan Bedford C 256 green F 11 9 111 Ckxhth 1037 D Cord eav ig reen mi a on ea er 197 Bl L th T B df d L htBl P tt C1 th Cm 257 1 13155111 Irhlitglirgn Lchather l1 32 11 199 Black Leather Tan Bedford C 258 Yellow White Pattern Cloth 1O37 D C d onv Wm I 1 1 L th 163 Brovgh Imitation Leather Sdl Blu lf m 11 11 npait I BE eth 166 Brown Imitation Leather Sta Wag 259 White Imitation Leather 11037 D 1951 284 Browr1 Tan Imitahion Leather 1067 285 Red Imitation Leat er 067 200 Grey Striped Cloth 1200 exe Sdl 286 Dark Green Light Green 201 amy Striped BD005010th 1000 exc Conv B A Sta Imit ti n Leuther 1067 Wag 287 Dark Blue Light Blue 205 Red Leather Conv Imitation Leather 1067 206 Green Leather Conv 264 Brown Tan Imitation Leather 1067 D 207 Blue Leather Conv 265 Red White Imitation Leather 1067 D 209 Black Leather Conv 266 Dark Green Light Green 185 Red Leather Grey Pile Cord Bel Air Imitation Leather 1067 D 186 Green Leather Grey 267 Dark B1ue Light Blue Pile Cord Bel Air Imitation Leather 1067 D 187 Bl L th G 268 Yello White Pile C brrlgr my Bel Air Imgation Leather 1067 D 189 Black Leather Grey 269 Blacl White Pile Cord Bel Air Imitation Leather 1062 1062 F 1 134