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<- Model Index Parts Catalogue No. 681A November 1967 Transmission - Brakes ->
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GM cAMAR0 PANTS CATALOGUE G 1 z I Q 9 9 0 P at Q 0 em Q C 1 r 1 0 5 0 J1 G V ll lg s s 1 Q 11 sw Q 1 I A 3 T 5 a M 5 rw L M ul 0 1 2 K y W Q LY A IB 2 V fw W eg Q s e L 4 i Ai 4 g G9 w A an I aa J I V r W L A tp V y I s 1 s V CAMSHAFT CRANKSHAFT AND OIL PAN 8 CYL ENGINE lrvv1cAr t Kay Dunrlptlon Group Kvy Dnsxriptlan Group I Phton and Pln Aswmlzly 4 0 629 21 Halt Cmnkshatl Bearlng Cup 4 0 056 2 Bearing Carn1I1 fI 1 Iacallan 0 546 22 Bearing Unit Cannnting Rad 0 616 3 Baarlng Camshaft 2 location 0 546 23 Nui Cannantlng Rad Balt 0 626 A Bsarlng Camshalt 3 Lacullon 04546 24 Cup Crankshall Bearing 1 lazalian 0 095 5 Bwrlng Camshaft 4 lazatlan 0 546 15 Cup Cranluhall Bzarlng 2 Laratlan 0 075 6 Bearing Camshaft 5 Location 0 546 26 Cap Crankshaft Bearing 3 lazatlon 0 095 7 Balt Connectlng Rad 4 0 623 27 Cup Crankshaft Bearlng 4 laratlan 04 Y5 B llltar Valve 4 4 4 0 459 28 Cap Crankshaft Bearing 5 lawllan 0 095 7 Carmhalt 0 517 29 Gasket Unit Oil Pan Sldo 1 129 10 Plug Camshafl Rear Bwrlng 4 0 553 20 Pan Assembly CII 4 1 426 ll Bearing Unlt Crankshaft 1 lacatlnn 0 096 31 Seal OII Pan 4 4 1 429 12 Bearlng UnI1 Crankxhaft 2 Lacatlan 0 096 32 Cap N Par cf Rad Assembly 4 0 603 13 Bearlng Unit Crankxhaft Y 3 Lamllan 0 096 33 Kay Wcodrutf 8 960 I4 Bearlng Unit Crankshalt 4 lecatlan 0 096 34 Crankxhatt Auambly 0 646 15 Bearing Unit Cranksholl 5 Lamtian 0 096 35 Sprocket Crunkshalt 4 0 720 16 Flywheel Assembly 0 666 36 Chain Camxhalt Ilmlng 0 724 17 Ball Flywlwel ta Crankshaft 4 0 669 ZI7 Rad Assembly Cannaating 4 4 0 603 IB Iukwaxhnr Flywheel Bali 8 732 LIB Spranksn Camshaft 4 0 736 19 Pin Flywhssl Dawul 4 0 674 39 Rlng Sel Plslan 0 643 20 S I Crankshaft Roar Bearing Oil 0 137 GROUP 0 000 ILLUSTRATION 5 MAECH wu