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y ALPHABETICAL INDEX H P HARNESS Air Conditioning Electrical 9 276 PIN Air Distributor 9 786 J HARNESS Air Conditioning Vacuum Control 9 281 PLATE A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 HARNESS Radio Wiring 9 656 PLATE Air Conditioning Evaporator Core HARNESS Rear Window Defogger 9 778 Housing 9 211 HEAD A C Compressor 9 174 PLATE Instrument Cluster 9 743 HEAD Speedometer and Odometer MiIes 9 761 PLATE Radio Rear and Auxiliary Speaker and HOSE Air Conditioning Evaporator Air I 9 260 Attachers 9 665 HOSE Air Conditioning Vacuum Control 9 281 PLIERS Air Flow Control 9 787 HOSE Side Window Defroster 9 780 PRINTED CIRCUIT Instrument Cluster 9 744 HOUSING Cargo Lighting 9 988 PULLEY A C Compressor Drive 9 180 HOUSING Cigarette Lighter 9 709 V HOUSING Instrument luster 9 744 HOUSING Radio Antenna 9 647 R I I RELAY A C Electrical 9 277 RELAY Rear Window Defogger 9 778 RESISTOR Air Conditioning Electric INSULATOR Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 190 Temperature and Motor Control 9 275 INSULATOR Cargo Lighting 9 988 RETAINER A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 INSULATOR Radio Rear and Auxiliary Speaker A RETAINER Air Conditioning Electric and Attachers 9 665 Temperature and Motor Control 9 275 RETAINER Body Hold Down Bolt 9 01 1 RETAINER Cigarette Lighter 9 709 RETAINER Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 K RETAINER Instrument Cluster 9 743 RING A C Compressor Shaft 9 175 V f RING A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 KEY A C Compressor Clutch Actuating 9 188 ROTOR A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 KNOB A C Control 9 278 V KNOB Air Conditioning Electric Temperature I and Motor Control 9 275 A KNOB Radio Antenna Control 9 649 S KNOB Speedometer and 0dometer MiIes 9 761 SCREW A C Compressor Drive 9 180 SCREW A C Recirculating Inlet 9 269 L SCREW Air Distributor 9 786 SCREW Cargo Lighting 9 988 SEAL A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 LENS Cargo Lighting 9 988 SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator Core LENS Instrument Cluster 9 748 Housing 9 211 LINK Air Distributor 9 786 SEAL Air Conditioning Outlet 9 262 SEAL Air Conditioning Compressor Suction and Discharge 9 226 SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator Air 9 260 M SEAL Air Distributor 9 786 X SEAL Cargo Lighting 9 988 SEAL KIT Air Conditioning 9 170 MOTOR A C Evaporator Blower 9 215 SEAL Radio Wiring 9 656 SEAL Side Window Defroster 9 780 SENSOR Speedometer and Odometer Miles 9 761 SHAFT Air Distributor 9 786 N SHELL Air Conditioning 9 170 SOCKET Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 SOCKET Instrument Cluster 9 744 NUT A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 SPACER Air Distributor 9 786 NUT A C Compressor Mounting 9 173 SPACER Body Mounting A so See Chart at the NUT A C Compressor Pulley 9 181 End of the 9 000 Group 9 023 NUT Air Conditioning Evaporator By Pass 9 198 SPEAKER Radio 9 650 NUT Air Conditioning Hose 9 242 SPEAKER Radio Rear and Auxiliary Speaker NUT Air Conditioning Electric Temperature and and Attachers 9 665 Motor Control 9 275 SPRING Air Distributor 9 786 NUT Air Distributor 9 786 SPRING Radio Antenna Control 9 649 NUT Cargo Lighting 9 988 SPRING Speedometer and Odometer Miles 9 761 NUT Radio Antenna 9 647 STRAP Air Conditioning Hose 9 242 STRAP Radio Noise Suppression and Grounding 9 663 STUD A C Compressor Mounting 9 173 O SUPPORT A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 SWITCH Air Conditioning Electric Temperature V and Motor Control 9 275 K O RING A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 SWITCH Cargo Lighting 9 988 O RING A C Refrigerant 9 196 SWITCH KIT A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 OIL A C Maintenance 9 282 SWITCH Rear Window Defogger 9 778 ORIFICE Air Conditioning Evaporator 9 213 y O RING KIT Air Conditioning 9 170 OUTLET Air Conditioning Outlet 9 262 OUTLET Air Distributor 9 786 y OUTLET Side Window Defroster 9 780 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRK 52S INDEX 9 2 A i