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Parts Catalogue No. 745B June 1976 Engine - Clutch ->
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PARTS CATALOGUE 1970 71 SERVICE PARTS IDENTIFICATION PLATE The Service Parts Identification Plate is provided on all Truck models This is an adhesive backedypaper sticker and will be located on the inside of the glove box door except on flat face cowls and G and P Models On these models it will be placed loose in the parts shipping container for later assembly On G Models the plate is located abovethe spare wheel The plate lists the vehicle serial number wheelbase and all production options or Special Equipment on the vehicle when it was shipped from the factory On domestic produced vehicles only the F T O Factory Truck Order number will be inserted in the S E Special Equipment block NOTE V I N Block contains abbreviated model designation and complete serial number Example CHEVROLET TRUCKS CHASSIS ENGINE ABBREVIATED INDICATES ASSEMBLY TYPE TYPE MODEL YEAR PLANT NUMERAL 0 INDICATES YEAR 1970 NUMERAL 1 INDICATES YEAR 1971 Refer to MODEL for complete model designation SERVICE PARTS IDENTIFICATION CE1401 104153 127 FTO 900667 V l N VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NOTE THE SPECITAL EQUIPMENT LISTED BELOW HAS BEEN INSTALLED ON THIS VEHICLE EOE PROPER IDENTIFICATION OF REPLACEMENT PARTS BE SURE TO SPECIFY T1 E APPLICABLE OPTION NUMBERS Jg N EScn I1 T1oN T DESCRIPTION MODEL CE10934 GMC TRUCKS I CHASSIS ENGINE ABBREVIATED ASSEMBLY INDICATES TYPE TYPE MODEL PLANT YYEAVR C E I 134 I 1 Z V 1970 GMC Serial Numbelrslindicate the year by a lette rAand the serial range as Io llows 1 Vehicles built at Assembly Plant 1 A 2 Vehicles not built at Assembly Plantlt start at serial 250001 I G Models start at 210001 Series 15 25 35 P45 Exc G Models start at A50001 or 250001 Series 45 55 65 Exc P45 starts at 2120001 1971 GMC Serial Number indicate the year as follows ON 15 25 35 SBC Starting Serial Number is 110001 Exc G Models ON G MODELS w DRUM BRAKES Starting Serial Number is U 110001 ON G MODELS w1DlSC BRAKES Starting Serial Number is U 150001 ON 45 55 65 Exc SBC Starting Serial Number is 2170001 I Refer to MODEL for complete model designation SERVICE PARTS IDENTIFICATION ce124 1251930 W BA 127 S FTO 900668 if V I N VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER N rE T1 IE S Ec 1A1 EQUIPMENT LISTED BELOW HAS BEEN INSTALLEB ON THIS VEHICLE FOR PROPER IDENTIFICATION OF REPLACEMENT PARTS BE SURE TO SPECIFY THE APPLICABLE OPTION NUMBERS Tg DESCRIPTION g DESCRIPTION M I Monet cE1S934Q A o 4 4 I A I I T I IXII T