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PARTS CATALOGUE T 3 I i The information in your new Master Parts x Catalogue has been carefully arranged to enable you to find part numbers as quickly wv and easily as possible I It can be a very useful tool for your department Q j lI W in providing fast efficient service if properly I A used c I Here HTG 3 f Wk yS to help yOU g t U18 l l10Sf v S r out of the parts book s V V W 5 Parts GROUPING The Standard GM Grouping System as listed on the front I page has been used throughout All group numbers are shown in numerical D t sequence Headings are listed in alphabetical order within each group PART NUMBERS Right hand and left hand part numbers are often listed on one line if the model application and description are identical for example 1 3953694 3953693 1969 ALL In such cases the first number on the line always refers to the right hand part and the other number to the left hand part SUPERSEDED NUMBERS The number in brackets at the end of the line refers to the old or superseded part for example 1 9781862 1965 69 ALL SUP 9776795 The old and new numbers are not always fully interchangeable Rework is sometimes required I Be sure to check model applications For a complete reference to old and new numbers refer to your current SUPERSEDENCE LISTING CATALOGUE EXPORT Items peculiar to export vehicles are designated by an X for example 1 X 3860226 1965 69 All RHD S NEW PARTS All new numbers are identified in the data section by a special symbol Preliminary Cat Master Cat Rev 1 Rev 2 Indexes Alphabetical and Numerical Indexes listing part names andlnumbers with rw C reference to the groups in which they appear are located at the back of the book These can be extremly useful in getting you to the proper group where Le the model application will be found Illustrations All illustrated and charted pages are together in one section preceding the data pages They are also arranged in regular GM Grouping Sequence so Qnd cI Q t that they can be filed by group with the data pages if preferred ae When exact part numbers are not shown the illustration covers typical I assemblies which you can use as a guide to locating parts of a similar I function Refer to index provided for list of illustrations I H at m V