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Parts Catalog P&A 51 February 1983 Transmission - Brakes ->
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ALPHABETICAL INDEX RING Transmission Synchronizing 4 44 4 384 RUN Door Window Glass Parts Formerly in RING Transmission 44 4 4 44 44 4 164 this group are now in group 16 190 16 200 RING UNIT Piston Service Set GMC 8 1950B 0 643 RUNNING BOARD PKG Running 8 225 RING UNIT Transmission Low Sun Gear and RUN Side Door Glass Sash 16 190 v cum 4 162 RING UNIT Transmission 4 4 005 RING UNIT Windshield Washer 81 Pump 16 065 RING Windshield Wiper Motor 16 064 S RISER ASM WASHER HANDLE Seat 16 686 RIVET Air Cleaner 3 417 RIVET Body Side Window garts Formerly in SASH ASM Front Door Ventilator 16 175 this Group are now in roup 16 460 17 136 SASH ASM Upper End Gate 17 190 RIVET Body Side Window 16 460 SASH Side Door Glass Sash 16 190 RIVET Rear Brake Shoe Facing 5 019 SCISSORS Roof Vent 9 685 ROD Air Flow Control with Tube 9 787 SCREEN Air Conditioning Compressor Internal 9 172 ROD AND MAST ASM Radio Antenna 9 647 SCREEN Air Conditioning Evaporator Core ROD ASM Accelerator Pedal 3 431 Housing 9 211 ROD ASM Carburetor to Accelerator Lever 3 430 SCREEN Air Conditioning Evaporator Expansion ROD ASM Carburetor Metering 3 805 Valve 9 214 ROD ASM Connecting 0 603 SCREEN Air Conditioning 9 262 ROD ASM Hand Throttle with Knob Wire and SCREEN ASM Oil Pump Suction 1 555 Tube 3 481 SCREEN ASM Transmission Oil 4 224 ROD ASM Hood 8 015 SCREEN Carburetor Pump 3 841 ROD ASM Lighting Switch with Knob 2 486 SCREEN Cowl Ventilator 16 125 ROD ASM Main Cylinder Push 4 558 SCREEN Rear Window 16 464 ROD ASM Transmission Gearshift 4 035 SCREEN Roof Vent 9 585 ROD ASM Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder SCREEN Transmission Oil 4 248 Piston 4 924 SCREW Air Cleaner and Silenoer 3 403 ROD ASM Valve Push 0 426 SCREW Air Conditioning Compressor Drive 9 180 ROD ASM Valve Push 0 426 SCREW Air Conditioning Compressor Oil Test 9 177 ROD ASM Windshield Wiper 16 063 SCREW Air Conditioning Rehigerant 9 190 ROD Back Door Vertical Lock 16 332 SCREW Air Conditioning 9 262 ROD Brake 4 525 SCREW Air Flow 9 786 ROD Carburetor Choke 3 752 SCREW ASM Air Injection Reactor 3 570 ROD Carburetor Power 3 858 SCREW ASM Body Inside Trim Inside Trim 15 575 ROD Carburetor Pump Connector 3 843 SCREW ASM Body Inside Top Front and Rear ROD Carburetor 3 755 Trim Parts Formerly in this Group are now ROD Clutch Fork Release 0 787 in Group 15 575 Bt 575A 17 112 ROD Clutch Pedal 0 854 SCREW ASM Body Side Window Parts ROD Door Lock Remote 16 341 Formerly in this Group are now in Group ROD Door Remote Lock 16 157 16 460 17 136 ROD End Gate Lock 17 198 SCREW ASM Body Side Window 15 460 ROD End Gate Support 17 202 SCREW ASM End Gate Support 17 202 ROD Four Wheel Drive Transfer Case 4 555 SCREW ASM Fuel Tank Gauge 3 112 ROD Fuel Pump 3 935 SCREW ASM Gearshift Control 4 025 ROD Generator 2 317 SCREW ASM Generator 2 319 ROD Headlamp Dimmer 2 459 SCREW ASM Power Brake Booster 4 815 ROD Ignition Switch Warning 2 195 SCREW ASM Rear Window 16 464 ROD Low Servo 4 228 SCREW ASM Transmission Main Drive Gear ROD Main Cylinder Push 4 658 Bearing 4 356 ROD Parking Brake Cable 4 785 SCREW Automatic Choke Control 3 750 ROD 0 PIST N ASM Power Brake Booster 4 810 SCREW B cIt Up 2 697 ROD Seat 16 674 SCREW Back Up 2 698 ROD Seat Adjusting Fldg Bench 16 682 SCREW Body Footman Assist 16 450 ROD Seat Bottom or Back 16 715 SCREW Brake Shoe Adjusting 5 110 ROD Speed and Cruise Control Power SCREW Carburetor Air 3 730 Regulator 3 885 SCREW Carburetor Bod 3 741 ROD Steering Column 6 518 SCREW Carburetor Cho e 3 751 ROD Steering Connecting with internal parts 6 870 SCREW Carburetor Choke 3 752 ROD Transler Case External Shift Control 4 560 SCREW Carburetor Fast Idler Cam 3 767 ROD Transmission Control Safety 4 054 SCREW Carburetor Fast Idle 3 762 ROD Transmission Gearshih 4 035 SCREW Carburetor Fast Idle 3 766 ROD UNIT Clutch Pedal 0 854 SCREW Carburetor Idle Adjusting 3 822 ROD Wheel Cylinder to Brake Shoe Thrust 4 675 SCREW Carburetor Idle Air Compensator 3 820 ROLLER ASM Transmission Fonuard Cone SCREW Carburetor ldle Stop 3 761 Freewheel 4 167 SCREW Carburetor Pump Connector 3 843 ROLLER ASM Transmission Reverse Shifter SCREW Carburetor Throttle Return Check 3 444 Crank 4 293 SCREW Carburetor 3 755 ROLLER ASM Door Hanging 16 320 SCREW Cargo 9 988 ROLLER ASM Door Window Regulator Upper SCREW Cowl Ventilator 16 125 Guide 16 261 SCREW Crankcase Front End 0 206 ROLLER Four Wheel Drive Trans1er Case 4 520 SCREW Direction Signal Control Switch 2 906 ROLLER Transmission Countershaft Gear 4 422 SCREW Direction Signal Lamp See Group ROLLER Transmission Mainshaft Front Pilot 2 5751or additional hazard lamp switches 2 895 and Main Drive Gear 4 352 SCREW Distributor 2 393 ROLLER Transmission Reverse Idler Gear 4 431 SCREW Door and Seat Arm 16 155 ROLLER UNIT Transmission Rear Ring Gear 4 180 SCREW Door Hinge 16 323 ROLLER Universal Joint Yoke Trunnion 5 566 SCREW Door Hinge 16 325 ROTATOR ASM Valve Spring 0 309 SCREW Door Inside Trim 16 165 I ROTATOR ASM Valve Spring 0 309 SCREW Door Outside Locking 16 350 ROTATOR Valve Spring 0 309 SCREW Door Sill E4 Rocker 16 603 I ap ROTOR Air Conditioning Compressor Internal 9 172 SCREW Emeagency and Sa1ety Equipment 2 575 ROTOR Distributor 2 382 SCREW End are Lock 17 198 ROTOR Generator 2 279 SCREW End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON LT TRUCK 51 85 INDEX