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TRUCK CAB AND BODY PARTS GMC GROUP 16 165 PANEL ASM Beauville Rally STX Nomad Gaucho Caravan Gypsy Van Side Rear Door Sliding Cargo Door NOTE 6 Design break is by part number on panel and by c0l0r difference NOTE ZA 1st des 1976 has woodgrain insert 2nd des 1976 and lst 1977 has plaid insert and no carpet on trim pnl 2nd des 1977 and ls des 1978 have carpet on trim pnl and hole for wdo reg 1978 2nd des has no hole for wdo reg and is different shade of colon 76 77 G 1 2 3 Beauville Rally STX Nomad Gaucho 2nd design 457891 1 98 25 PANEL ASM buckskin comb 64I Note 6 23 2220 77 GI 2 3 w E94 ZM4 ZM8 2nd Des 78 GI 2 3 w E94 ZM4 ZM8 465724 1 98 25 PANEL ASM si rr dr trim blue 23 2220 78 G1 2 3 w E94 ZM4 I ZM8 lst des 465727 I 97 75 PANEL ASM si r d trim buckskin Note 6 23 2220 78 G1 2 3 w E94 ZM4 Znd design 14002624 1 97 75 PANEL si r d tr carmine Note ZA 6 23 2220 78 G1 2 3 w E94 ZM4 2nd design 14002625 1 99 75 PANEL si r d tr camel Note ZA 6 23 2220 16 165 PANEL ASM Beouville Rally STX Nomad Gaucho Caravan Gypsy Van Rear Doors NOTE Design break is by part number on panel and by color difference NOTE 8 1st design waodgrain runs vertically 2nd design woodgrain runs horizontally NOTE 2A lst des 1976 has woodgraln insert 2nd des 1976 and lst 1977 has plaid insert and no carpet on trim pnl 2nd des 1977 and lst des 1978 have carpet on trlm pnl and hola for wdo reg 7978 2nd des has no hole for wdo reg and is different shade of colon 77 G1 2 w rr Dr Glass ZM4 2nd Design 78 Gl Z w rr Dr Glass ZM4 469743 L H 17 90 PANEL rr dr trim wood stained Note 8 23 2220 77 G1 2 w rr Dr Glass ZM4 Znd Design 78 G1 2 w rr Dr Glass ZM4 46B744R H 17 90 PANEL rr dr trim wood stained Nr Note 8 23 2220 77 GI 2w ZM1 ZM4 exc rr Dr Glass 2nd Design 78 G1 2 w ZM1 ZM4 exc rr Dr Glass 469745 L H 28 00 PANEL rr dr trim wood stained Note 8 23 2220 77 GI 2w ZMLZM4 exc rr Dr Gls 2nd Design 78 G1 2w ZMLZM4 exc rr Dr Gls 489758 R H 28 00 PANEL rr dr trim wood stained cut hole for door remote control if needed Note 8 23 2220 V 16 165 COVER FASTENER NUT RETAINER SEAL ASM SPACER SCREW Door Inside Trim 78 CK1 2 06 exc E55 473980 2 2 40 COVER rr dr acc hole 23 2221A 73 78 CK I 2 3 Blazer Jimmy 98835B3A R 35 FASTENER front side rear side door trim round I4 683 23 2245 77 78 CK I 2 3 Blazer Jimmy 1494252 2 52 NUT U 20 x 1 269 8 4422 77 78 CK I 2 3 Blazer Jimmy 1494257 2 28 NUT 20 x 1 269 8 4422 73 76 CK I Z 3 325337 A R 36 RETAINER front rear side door trim squared 23 2270 73 78 G I 2 3 398I31I I 12 20 RETAINER side rear door trim panel top 23 2270 73 78 G I 2 3 3980639 A R 9 80 RETAINER rear door trim oanel top body side trim panel upper right rear upper 23 2270 73 78 G I 2 3 3979177 I I0 50 RETAINER side Iront door trim panel top chrome 23 2270 74 78 G1I3 213 313 08 w E94 262 3983234 I 7 90 RETAINER si rr corner tr unl upper 23 2270 7578 G l 2 110 W B 3980639 2 9 80 RETAINER body si trim R I I pnl upper zaarss 1 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTIONDIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK 51 REV 2 B3 16 21 16 165 16 165