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SCREW Instrument Panel 10 252 SCREW Transmission Oil 4 195 SCREW Instrument Panel Compartment Door 10 262 SCREW Trim 12 946 SCREW Lever Hand Floor Mounted 4 015 SCREW Trim 14 655A SCREW Lower End Gate 12 195 SCREW Venturi Cluster 3 790 SCREW Low Sun Gear and Clutch 4 162 SCREW Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 SCREW Luggage Deck Lid 12 815B SCREW Windshield Garnish Moulding a 10 056 SCREW Main Cylinder Filler 4 651 SCREW Windshield Washer 10 153 SCREW Main Cylinder Stop 4 656 SCREW Windshield Wiper Motor Mounting SCREW Manual Valve 4 218 Parts 10 152 SCREW Mast also see group 6 803 6 518 SCREW Windshield Wiper 10 150 SCREW Muffler Exhaust Pipe and Tail Pipe 3 708 I SCREW Windshield Wiper Motor Aux 10 151 SCREW Muffler Tail Pipe 3 706 SEAL Air Cleaner 3 417 SCREW Oil Pan Attaching with Lockwasher 1 428 SEAL Air Conditioning Compressor Suction SCREW Oil Pan Drain 1 453 and Discharge 9 226 SCREW Oil Supply Pump 4 203 SEAL Air Conditioning Compressor Shaft 9 175 SCREW Parking Lamp Attaching 2 587 SEAL Air Conditioning Compressor Internal 9 172 SCREW Parking Lamp Door or Lens 2 594 I SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator Air Inlet 9 208 SCREW Pinion Shaft Lock 5 518 I SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator By Pass 9 198 SCREW Planet Carrier 4 176 SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator Air 9 260 SCREW Quarter Window Glass 11 012 SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator Core SCREW Ouarter Window Lower Sash 11 007 Housing 9 211 SCREW Quarter Window Regulator Handle 11 047 SEAL Air Conditioning Electric Temperature SCREW Quarter Window Reveal Mldg and Blower Motor Control 9 275 Tailgate Moulding Clips 11 032 SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator Blower SCREW Ouarter Window 11 041 Motor 9 216 SCREW Radiator Core 1 270 SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator Air SCREW Radiator Grille and Engine Baffle Distributor and Astro Ventilation 9 262 Attaching 1 276 SEAL Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 190 SCREW Radiator Grille Moulding 1 269 I SEAL Air Duct 9 782 SCREW Radiator Grille 1 267 SEAL Air Flow 9 786 SCREW Rear Bumper 7 875 SEAL Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 665 SCREW Rear Compartment Lid 12 242 1 SEAL Air Suspension Leveling Valve Junction 7 482 SCREW Rear Compartment Lid Lock 12 237 SEAL ASSY Air Cleaner Intake Valve 3 415 SCREW Rear Compartment Lid 12 183 SEAL ASSY Drive Pinion 5 469 SCREW Rear Compartment Lid 12 184 SEAL ASSY Front Wheel Bearing 6 326 SCREW Rear Compartment Lid or Tailgate SEAL ASSY Pitman Shaft 6 855 Hinge 12 187 SEAL Bumper Sheet Metal 7 833 SCREW Rear Door Arm Less Tray 14 762 SEAL Carburetor and Fuel Injection Choke 3 752 SCREW Rear Door Lower 10 460 SEAL Carburetor Float 3 734 SCREW Rear Door Lower Window Sash SEAL Clutch Pedal Intermediate Lever Shaft Channel 10 748 Ball 0 851 SCREW Rear Door Trim Finish 14 764 SEAL Clutch 0 829 SCREW Rear Door Window Frame 10 763 SEAL Coolant Pump 1 123 SCREW Rear Door Window Glass 10 759 SEAL Cowl Ventilator 12 800 SCREW Rear Door Window 10 768 SEAL Crankcase Front End Cover 0 213 SCREW Rear License Lamp 2 708 SEAL Crankshaft Rear Bearing and Cap Oil 0 137 SCREW Rear Quarter Arm Trimmed 15 108 SEAL Defroster 9 779 SCREW Rear Quarter Window 11 040 SEAL Distributor Lubricating 2 364 SCREW Rear View 10 185 SEAL Distributor Mainshaft 2 375 SCREW Rear View Mirror 10 186 SEALED BEAM Headlamp 2 727 SCREW Ring Gear 5 531 SEALED BEAM Safety Light 9 773 SCREW Roof Drip 12 075 SEAL Folding Top Hydraulic Motor and Pump 14 486 SCREW Roof Luggage and Ski 12 815 SEAL Folding Top Motor and Pump 14 482 SCREW Seat and Shoulder 14 875 SEAL Front Fender and Skirt 8 154 SCREW Seat Separator 10 240 SEAL Front Floor 15 300 SCREW Shock Absorber Frame 7 395 SEAL Front Spring 7 418 SCREW Speed and Cruise Cointrol 3 880 SEAL Fuel Pump Bowl and Mounting 3 904 SCREW Speed and Cruise Control Power 3 885 SEAL Fuel Tank Filler Neck 3 008 SCREW Starting Motor Brush 2 052 SEAL Gear Shaft 6 519 SCREW Starting Motor 2 077 SEAL Gearshift Control Hand Lever 4 008 SCREW Starting Motor Solenoid 2 102 SEAL Heater and Defroster Motor 8 856 SCREW Steering Column 6 760 SEAL Heater 8 857 SCREW Steering Column Lock Bolt 6 500 SEAL Heater 8 854 SCREW Sunshade 10 219 SEAL Heater Water Temp 9 795 SCREW Sunshade Support 10 225 SEAL Hood Also See Group 1 303 8 055 SCREW Tail and Stop Lamp 2 680 SEAL Hood Ledge Cowl 12 801 SCREW Tail Gate 12 1808 SEAL Hood Panel 8 010 SCREW Tail Gate EIectricWindovv 12 195A SEAL Hydraulic Steering Cylinder Piston Rod 6 581 SCREW Tail Gate 12 184A SEAL Instrument Case 9 749 SCREW Tail Gate 12 180 SEAL KIT Air Conditioning less Clutch 9 170 SCREW Tail Lamp 2 688 SEAL l lT Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump 6 609 SCREW Tilt or Tel Steering Column 6 514 SEAL Lever Hand Floor Mounted 4 015 SCREW Transmission Control Safety 4 054 SEAL Lighting Monitor 2 584 SCREW Transmission Front Servo 4 226 l SEAL Main Cylinder Stop 4 656 SCREW Transmission Gearshift Rod to Lever 4 037 SEAL Maintenance Items Air Conditioning 9 282 SCREW Transmission Gearshift Control Shaft SEAL Oil Pan 1 429 or Tube 4 027 SEAI Oil Pan Pump Suction 4 197 SCREW Transmission 4 256 I SEAL Oil Supply Pump 4 203 Q 1970 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION P A 30A 137 INDEX