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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 30 November 1979
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I975 OLDSMOBILE MODELS MODELS MODEL CODE St VIN H E SALES STARFIRE Sport Coupe HDD W 75 3HD07 D07 Hatchback Coupe XBI7 75 BXB17 E17 Coupe 7 XB27 75 BXB27 827 Sedan XB69 75r3XB69 ESQ Salon Hatchback Coupe XC17 75 2XC17 CI7 Salon Coupe XC27 75 BXC27 C27 Salon Sedan XC69 75 3XC69 269 CUTLASS I lardtop Coupe AF37 75r3AF37 F27 Hardtop Sedan AG29 75 3AG29 G29 CUTLASS S Hardtoo Coupe AG37 75 BAG37 G37 CUTLASS SUPREME CRUISER 2 Seat Station Wagon AH35 75r3AH35 H35 3 Seat Stauon Wagon Opt VBS AH45 75r3AI I35 H45 CUTLASS SUPREME Hardtop Sedan AJ29 75 BAJ29 J29 Hardtov Couve AJ57 75 3 XJ57 157 CUTLASS SALON W W W mmmp s aE f WV irxkza W vs m 2e K29 HanI ci Y va I LY W W 25 aA s7 a7 VISTA CRUISER A A A V r 1 2 Seat Station Wagon AJ35 75r3AJ35 J35 3 Seat Station Wagon Opt V65 Awgl wr T I 75 3AJ35 J45 DELTA SB W V Hardtop Sedan Wm BL39 75 3BL39 L29 Hardtop Couoe BL57 75r3BL57 V L57 Town Sedan BL69 75 BBL69 L69 DELTA 68 ROVALE Hardtop Sedan BN39 75 3BN39 V N39 7 Hardton Couve BN57 75 SBN57 N57 Convertibte BN57 75 BBN67 N67 Town Sedan V BN69 l 75 3BN69 NSS CUSTOM CRUISER Jwnxhout wood grain panels 2 Seat Statnon Wagon BO35 75 SBG35 035 2 seat seaman wagon 2045 masons CUSTOM CRUISER wth wood gram Danels 2 Seat Station Wagon BFI35 75 BBFI35 FI35 2 seat stator wagon ams vs Jams Luxury Hardtop Coupe CV37 V37 Luxury Sedan Hardmp C 39 75 SCV39 VSS Rvgencv Couve CX37 75 BCX37 X37 Regency Sedan CX39 75 3CX39 XQQ TORONADO Hardtop Coupe Custom EV57 75 SEY57 Y57 Hardtop Coupe Brougham EZ57 75 3EZ57 Z57 Hardtop Coupe Brougham Opt CSM EZ47 75 IEZ47 Z57 Hardtop Coupe Brougham EZ57 75 3EZ57 Z57 SPECIAL CHASSIS Amnulance CW60 75 3CW40 WED Hearse CWS0 75 3CW9U W60 EW r E 1 UM GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION 0LDSMOBILE 3O 27