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<- Fuel - Exhaust - Carburetion Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 14A December 1983
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CORVETTE BASIC ENGINE DATA POWER TEAMS V12 1953 I Cu In Camp Gr Nat Engina Ditpl Ratio Bun Srruka I I P I l P Carhuutar Trunrminlnn Curvtma 5 cyl 235 8 0 3 9 1G 3 I5 I6 150 140 35lda Dralr Pnwarglida 4200 RPM 4200 RPM Singla Barrcl 19544955 1st Sariasl Ccrvauc 6 cvl 3 9 IG Zl 15 16 150 140 3 id Dralx Puwarglldu I 4200 RPM 4200 RPM Singla Barrel y I 1955 2nd Snriusl Curvauv 6 cyl 8 0 3 3 4 3 155 140 33lda Drah Puwarglida 4200 RPM 4 0 RPM Singla Barrel Curvaua 8 cyl 265 8 0 3 3 4 195 180 4 Barral Pcwargllda 5000 RPM 4800 RPM A Curvana B cyl 265 8 0 3 3 4 195 IBD 4 Barral 3 Sp ad I 5000 RPM 4800 RPM 1956 Ccrvaua 8 cyl 9 25 3 3 4 210 180 4 Barrnl 3 Scand 5200 RPM 4600 RPM Puwurgllda Curvcna 8 cyl 3 3 4 3 225 19E Dual 35pud 5200 RPM 4600 RPM 4 Barral Pawcrglldc I 1957 I Curvcua 8 cyl 283 3 7 B 220 Gl 190 4 Barral Cl m Raxi 4800 RPM 4600 RPM Pcwargllda Ccrvumr 8 cyl 5 5 3 7 E 3 245 215 Dual Cl n Raxi 5000 RPM 4800 RPM 4 BarreI Puwnrglida Corvatta B cyl 3 7 B 3 I 250 225 Pual lniacllcn Cl Ratl 1 5000 RPM 4800 RPM P warglldn C v ue 8 cvl 3 7 B 270 230 D Dual Clax Rui 6000 RPM 6000 RPM 4 Barr l Ccrvrma 8 cyl 3 7 B 283 Gl 240 Fual Iniacllun CI m RatI 6200 RPM 5600 RPM I MAXIMUM purlarmuncc angina have special parlnrmcncmypa camxhclt hlglupmyd valva aynam and mcchanlcal valve Iikars I All cthar angina have hydraulic valva Iihcru WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT 0N CHEVROLET l4A 24 REV 12 83 A 2 5