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Corvair Assembly Manual December 1964
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V A S S E M B I Y I N S T R U C TI O N T 3 62I00 CORVAII IOOOO SERIES cg or me 9 Mm 2 shoulder 5 K J Q on stud rggg w 1 3 JB 1 P NOTE When castellated nuts cotter pins are usedto 1 gether torque nut as specified I then tighten to nu 45 45 notch for insertion ci cutter pin except when otherwise Mm Mm specliied Cotter pin may be installed in either posi PEE M1 r 1 be d bv tion ehm but must be ugh to prevent rotation or spreading each leg away from the center bonu llne of the pin not less than 45 OPEN POSITION IGEOTEY Assemble all type MB stamped CLOSED POSITION nuts with open end up If nut is assembled with open All non hardened steel clips are to be end down it will strip mating stud be clinched closed after wires tubes or A fore proper installation torque is obtained bowden cables are installed n m NOTE All special retainers must be installed as shown to provide end load in direction of arrow c v z1 moron wss e eerie UK M wa cx r pg be Q P Aecfi wi i J 65f Z GENERAL I NSTRUC rIONS 5 l A G7 A4JvEa9 19090 owo aes 3 20 are me ma 4 L L Li DATE t73 Q I if l965 6