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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964
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v f Fig 8 filling Hole with Sealing Gun 3 Attach valve stem extensioS to valve stem of tube This helps get stem through hole in rim 4 Install tube in tire and inflate with sufficient pressure to hold shape 5 Insert flap in tire and carefully center in proper position 6 Install tire tube and flap assembly onto wheel in normal manner using extreme care not to puncture tube or flap Use a motor driven tire mounting machine for best results 7 Inflate tire tube flap and wheel assembly to 40 psi 8 Deflate unseat tire bead from rim and hand work the assembly to remove folds if present 9 Reinflate to desired pressure Repair Hot Patch With this method the patch uses its own fuel to be ignited when vulcanization takes place This method is recommended for repairing punctures not exceeding 3 16 in diameter Size of puncture can be determined by size of puncturing object 1 Clean out the injury with an awl or hand rasp furnished with the tire repair kit fig 7 2 Using sealing gun fill puncture from outside of tire see Figure 8 3 Thoroughly clean inside of tire around injury with a suitable cleaner Allow the cleaned area to dry 4 Roughen area around injury with hand buffer or wire brush See Figure 9 5 Spread an even coating of a good grade of rubber cement over the puncture slightly larger than the patch area and allow to dry for 5 minutes 6 Prepare patch material for igniting by loosening material slightly with point of a knife blade in then center of each side 7 Carefully center hot patch over injury and hold in place using special hot patch clamp Tighten clamp maximum finger tight See Figure 10 8 Ignite patch material Allow to cool 15 minutes or until cool enough to touch 9 Carefully remove metal cup and blow out any ashes remaining in tire K ar F Fig 9 Roughening Injury Area Self Vulcanizing In this method a chemical action vulcanizes the patch No external source of heat is necessary Maximum size of puncture bole must not exceed 3 i6 for this method of patching Larger size injuries must be repaired with press type vulcanizing equipment Many kits are manufactured and may be procured locally NOTE This method should be used only for tires without soft puncture sealing material The following procedure should be followed in using this kit 1 Clean out the injury with the awl to remove puncturing object and foreign material 2 Thoroughly clean the inside of the tire around the injury S Fill the injury with Filler Rubber Supplied in the kit using the awl as follows a Clean awl needle and dip in Self Vulcanizing Fluid From inside of tire force needle through tire until point extends beyond tread fig I1 b Remove detachable handle from awl needle Cut 1 8 by 1 strip of Filler Rubber remove protective cover and insert into hole of awl needle with end of rubber strip extending beyond the needle See Figure 12 Fig 10 Using Hot Patch Clamp CORVAR SHOP MANUAL