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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964
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9 v v v v w v w v w viw w w v y Vj T v w If Fig m y l I i 1 i I I I i Fig 7E 49 Transmission Case Installed in Holding Fixture J 7896 10 U a chisel or center punch restake the pinion s at four places on both ends of planet carrier fig 7E 48 Assembly of Transmission NOTE The following steps apply only if the transmission is separated from the Power Tr in 1 Install transmission case in holding fixture J 896 fit 7E 49 2 InttaIl two improvised guide pins of approximately 2 1 2 to 3 in rear pump bolt holes 5 16 18 then install rear pump wear plate on guide pins using a small amount of petroleum jelly to hold wear plate in place 3 Insert rear pump and reverse piston with guide pins into case then insert a length 1 2 to 3 4 wide of 010 015 shim stock between piston outer seal and case With rear of case downward running the Shim stock around the entire diameter of the seal will seat the seal quickly Itemove the guide pins and install five rear pump mounting bolts fig 7E 50 securing to 9 11 ft lbs A l i a1f 7a 7 Fig 7E 50 Measuring Rear Pump and Reverse Piston Bolt Torque