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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |
c Attach ground wire to grounded brush and field lead wire to insulated brush d Repeat for other set of brushes I 2 Assemble overrunning clutch assembly to armature shaft a Lubricate drive end of armature shaft with a silicone lubricant b Slide clutch assembly onto armature shaft with I pinion outward c Slide retainer onto shaft with cupped surface facing end of shaft away from pinion I d Stand armature on end on wood surface with commutator down Position snap ring on upper end I of shaft and hold in place with a block of wood Hit wood block a blow with hammer forcing snap i ring over end of shaft fig 9s Slide snap ring down into groove e Assemble thrust collar on shaft with shoulder I next snap ring f Pla rmature flat on work bench and position retainer and thrust collar next to snap ring I Then using two pair of pliers at the same time one pair on either side of shaft grip retainer i and thrust collar and squeeze until snap ring is forced into retainer fig lOs 3 Lubricate the drive housing bushing with a silicone lubricant Make sure thrust collar is in place against snap ring and retainer and slide armature and clutch I assembly into place in drive housing engaging shift lever with clutch 4 Install shift lever pin and lock ring 5 Position field frame over armature and apply special sealing compound between frame and solenoid I case Position frame against drive housing using care to prevent damage to the brushes I 6 Lubricate the bushing in the commutator end frame with a silicone lubricant Place leather brake washer I on armature shaft and slide commutator end frame onto shaft THRUST COLLAR I RETAINER SNAP RING I I Fig 10s Forcing Snap Ring into Retainer I R 1 S t Y 1 b a w Azp w SOLENOID BODY TO HOLD IN CONTACT CONTACT S FINGER WITCH R TERMINAL FIBER WASHER BATTERY TERMINAL TO PULL IN MOTOR STRAP TERMINAL END