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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964
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body with valves replaced and staked body and diaphragm assembly spring and cover Install bolts and draw up equally until tight NOTE One bolt hole is offset to assure proper positioning of component parts Installation 1 Install T connector and pipe in pump outlet connection AIR CLE I DI Page General Description 6M 28 Service Procedures 6M 28 011 Wetted Paper 6M 28 Replacement 6M 28 GENERAL DE The Corvair uses one large oil wetted paper element air cleaner fig 62 All except the Turbocharger air I cleaner are centrally mounted on a diffuser tube between the carburetors The diffuser tube assembly is gasket mounted and held down by a J shaped bolt and a nut at SERVICE PR OIL WETTED PAPER Every 12 000 miles or more often in dusty areas either replace paper air cleaner element or test element using Tool J 7825 Before testing inspect for holes or breaks in the element as these defects require immediate replacement If testing indicates that the element restriction is satisfactory at 12 000 miles the element need not be replaced but should be retested every 6 000 miles thereafter until replaced Replacement i 1 Remove wing nut and cover 2 Remove paper element and discard 3 Remove bottom section of air cleaner and gasket o diffuser tube Discard gasket 4 Clean bottom section of air cleaner and cover pieces thoroughly to remove dust and grime NOTE Check bottom section of air cleaner seal for tears or cracks 5 Install a new gasket and set bottom section of air cleaner on diffuser tube II l Fig 62 Single Air Cleaner i 2 Install the pump into the accessory housing outlet conn4ction to front Carefully feel pump position with set crew being sure set screw pilots in locking hole 3 Tighten set screw 9 to 15 ft lbs Then tighten locknut 9 to 15 lbs 4 Install inlet fuel line to inlet connection on fuel pump and outlet lines to the T connector ANERS X Page Testing g1VI 28 Tool J 47825 6M 29 011 Bath iPrecleaner 6M 29 Maintenance 6M 29 SCRIPTION each carburetor The sedan with air conditioning uses two oil wetted paper element air cleaners fig 63 Oil bath type pre cleaner air cleaners are available as an option for extremely dusty driving conditions OCEDURES 6 Install new paper element on bottom section of air cleaner with either end up NOTE Plastisol seat is the same material on both ends 7 Install cover and wing nut Testing Tool J 7825 is designed to check paper element air t y i v E t f Fig 63 dual Air Cleaner