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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |
DRIVEN GEAR THRUST WASHER FRONT F REAR FRONT INTER INTER REAR k JOURNAL JOURNAL JOURNAL JOU R NAL Fig 125 Checking Camshaft Alignment Rotate the crankshaft after bearing adjustment to be sure the bearings are not too tight CAMSHAFT AND TIMING GEAR Inspection NOTE Each exhaust cam lobe serves two exhaust lifters one on each bank 1 Check the journals with a micrometer for an out of round condition If the journals exceed 001 out of round the camshaft should be replaced 2 Check camshaft alignment The best method is by use of V blocks and a dial indicator The dial indicator will indicate the exact amount the camshaft is out of true If it is out more than 002 dial indicator reading the camshaft should be replaced fig 125 NOTE Camshaft journal clearance should be 0015 to 0035 new and 002 to 004 used If camshaft clearance is beyond these limits either the crankcase or camshaft should be replaced I Fig 126 Removing Camshaft Gear Disassembly camshaft place assembly in an arbor press to remove camshaft Removegear fig 126 h remove v w Assembly journal v an arbor press Place thrust v w o E shaft ft keyway h h h lubricant