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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964
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Fig 111 0i1 Filter By Pass Valve Repairs Oil Filter By Pass Valve Replacement NOTE The oil filter by pass valve opens at 10 psi i Remove oil filter by pass valve from the oil filter and Delcotron adapter by catching the inner edge of the valve with a suitable hook or small screw driver 2 Install a new oil filter by pass valve with the driver up in the adapter housing fig 111 Stud Replacement Install blower belt idler pulley stud to a height of t g r i o r I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fig 112 Oil Pump Exploded View 1 Engine Rear Housing 4 Drive Gear and Shaft 2 Idler Gear Shaft 5 Gasket 3 Idler Gear 6 Cover 7 Bolts Fig 113 Pressure Regulator Exploded View 1 Valve 3 Gasket 2 Spring 4 Plug ENGINE REAR HOUSING Disassembly i Remove pump cover attaching bolts cover gasket idler gear and drive gear and shaft fig i12 2 Remove pressure regulator plug gasket spring and valve fig 113 Cleaning and Inspection 1 Wash all parts in cleaning solvent and dry with compressed air 2 Inspect engine rear housing gasket surfaces for nicks or scratches 3 Inspect oil pump gears for wear or damage 4 Inspect pressure regulator valve for wear or damage 5 Inspect oil cooler by pass valve for broken fibre valve or spring Assembly 1 Instill idler gear on idler gear shaft Idler gear shaft should be 010 to 02011 below gasket surface without gasket installed 2 Place drive gear and shaft in pump housing 3 Check the following measurements Projection of oil pump gears above gasket surface 0025 0045 without gasket installed Clearance between gears and h o u s i n g 00211 00511 Gear backlash 002 008h NOVE Since end clearance of oil pump gears is essential to oil pump prime selective oil pump gears are available in 001 oversize thic ness Lubricate oil pump gears with engine oil 4efore installation 4 Inst 11 pump cover and attaching bolts and torque to speaifieations 5 Insert a long screw driver down the distributor mouanting hole in the engine rear housing and turn oil pump drive shaft to see that oil pump turns free lY 6 Instill pressure regulator valve spring gasket and plug