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<- Model Index Parts and Accessories Catalog PA-94 January 1965
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MODEL CHART I IY Standard Q7 xpm 5 H Id St hx I Oldsmobile Cir lwsher Body Vehicle ldentitication Series I y y Car Code I Iveiwm t Style Code Number sw We y s e 1e eH d CCCIDD 2 D 2 1964 I Club Coupe 027 3084 64 3027 Sieg Segs Assy 1785 I Station Wagon 035 3314 64 3035 64 0 F85 Std M Lansing Std I 2 Sent Vista Cruiser SW 055 643055 64 1 F85 Dlx B Baltimore I 3 Sent Vista Cruiser SW 005 643065 64 2 Cutlass F Fremont I Four Door Sedan 069 3106 64 3069 64 3 88 D Kans 1s City M0 r 77 1 64 4 D88 A Atlanta 1964 I V6 Sports COUPE 127 2929 64 3l27 64 5 S88 K KrtnsasCity Kan 64 6 Starlire L Linden s5 Station Wagon 135 3334 64 3135 64 7 Jetstar I C South Gam l D d 16 2 D x I Four lor Sc an I 9 31 9 I 64 3169 64 8 98 T ArhngtOn 7 7 7 I 7 w7 rrr 7 77 7777 7 7 wr 8777 Wr 64 9 98 Custom 1964 Sports Coupe 227 3133 64 3127 I 85 Hfmday COUPE I 237 3172 64 3237 Smiling vehicle identification numbers utmSS 2 gmt Cugmw VMI I I tor each series at z1llAsscmbly Plants CQIIQCY gw 255 543255 are 001001 Z 2EfE 265 643265 t Ff i 8 t g E Convertible 267 3233 I 64 3267 1964 I Holidziy Sedan 339 3782 64 3339 H7 I It Holidny Coupe 347 3689 64 3347 7 f8g j COIlV TI 1ll11C 367 3787 64 3367 I Celebrity Four Door Sedan 369 3740 64 3369 1 Sports Coupe 457 4058 64 3457 2 Seat Fiesta Station Wagon 435 4304 64 3435 1964 Holiday Sedan 439 4026 64 3439 D I I 3 Seat Fiestzi Station Wagon 445 4339 64 3445 X g T I iitniday cottpe 447 3930 64 3447 Convertible I 467 I 4031 64 3467 Celebrity Four Door Sedan 469 3980 I 64 3469 t S19 4 Holiday Sedan 539 4066 64 3539 Celebrity Four Door Sedan 569 4022 64 3569 1964 Coupe 657 4173 64 3657 Stzirtire Convertible 667 4288 64 3667 If Four Door Town Sedan 819 4231 64 3819 Luxury Sedan I 829 4335 64 3829 1964 Holiday Sports Sedan 839 4324 64 3839 98 Holiday Sports Coupe 847 4196 64 3847 Convertible 867 4252 64 3867 Custom Sports Coupe I 947 4278 64 3947 1 1954 0insM0BiiE mvtstow GENERAL MOTORS GORPOR Tl0N XXXII