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CORVAIR CHEVY CHEVELLE ALPHABETICAL INDEX Part Name Group No Part Name Group No Part Name Group No Cable assy Distributor temp Housing Compressor shaft 9 175 control 9 787 Insulator Spring 7 420 Absorber unit Shock 7 345 Camshaft 0 519 Key Compressor clutch actuating 9 188 Actuator assy Distributor Pressure 2 405 Cap Compressor oil test 9 177 Knob Air 9 262 Actuator assy Trans parking lock 4 220 Case Distributor air 9 262 Knob Blower switch 9 275 Adapter Back up lamp unit 2 697 Case Evaporator core housing 9 211 Knob Control 9 278 Adapter Heater ignition purge 8 840 Case assy Evaporator blower 9 215 Knob Distributor temp control 9 787 Adapter Horn button 2 820 Clamp Control cable 9 280 Leak detector Freon refrigerant 9 282 Adapter Oil cooler 1 540 Clamp Evaporator core housing 9 211 Lever Carb fast idle cross Adapter 0i1 filter and gen 1 840 Clamp Evaporator expansion valve 9 214 shaft idle control 3 766 Adapter Transmission gearshift control Clamp Hose 9 242 Lever Temp control pivot 9 275 shaft ortube 4 027 Clip Air 9 262 Link Air 9 262 Adapter Transmission overdrive 4 455 Clip Air distributor 9 275 Lubricating oil Refrigerant system 9 282 Adapter Wire wheel 5 803 Clip Compressor mtg frt bracket 9 171 Motor assy Blower and ventilator 8 855 Adapter assy Air cond and Clip Control cable 9 281 Motor assy Evaporator blower 9 215 heater 9 276 9 786 Clip Dehydrator to evap to Mounting assy Engine 0 027 Adapter assy Crankcase vent valve 1 745 comp hose 9 242 Nipple Heater thermostat and Adapter assy Fldg top side roof Coil Compressor clutch actuating 9 186 intake manifold 8 866 rear rail 14 170 Coil Compressor shaft clutch Nut Air 9 262 Adapter assy Steering gear hyd 6 550 actuating 9 175 Nut Compressor pulley 9 181 Adapter unit Air conditioning 9 262 Compressor 9 170 Nut Evaporator by pass 9 198 Adapter unit Platform level 17 400 Condenser assy Refrigerant 9 190 Nut kit Drive shaft and head 9 170 Adapter unit Door arm 16 155 Conditioner unit Air 9 169 Nut Wheel carrier 7 633 Adapter unit Hazard flasher 2 575 Connector Electrical 9 276 Pin Compressor oil pump shaft 9 172 Adapter unit Steering 6 508 Connector Evaporator by pass 9 198 Pin Compressor oil seal shaft 9 175 Additive Automatic transmission Control assy Carb fast idle 3 766 Pin Compressor pressure relief 9 178 stopleak 4 101 Core Compressor oil test 9 177 Pipe Evaporator core housing 9 211 Adjuster Front seat 11 561 Core Evaporator by pass 9 198 Pipe assy Evaporator 9 220 Adjuster Steering gear lash 6 822 Core assy Evaporator 9 210 Piston Evaporator by pass 9 198 Adjuster assy Seat 16 682 Cover Evaporator by pass 9 198 Piston Low compression ratio 9 172 Adjuster assy Strg gear Cover Manifold suction Plate Compressor clutch actuating 9 188 worm bearing 6 830 crossover passage 9 172 Plate Evaporator blower motor 9 216 Cover assy Compressor oil pump 9 172 Plate Evaporator core hsg 9 211 Cup Evaporator by pass 9 198 Plate Heater blower and ventilator 8 855 AIR CONDITIONING PARTS Cylinder assy Compressor 9 170 Plug Air duct access hole 9 269 Deflector assy Evaporator air 9 262 Pulley Compressor drive 9 180 Adapter assy Air 9 262 Diaphragm Evaporator by pass 9 198 Pulley Engine blower or fan Adapter Oilfilter 1 840 Diaphragm assy Carb fast idle 3 766 and water pump 1 062 Adapter unit 9 169 Distributor Air 9 262 Pulley assy Crankshaft 0 659 Adapter assy Wiring harness 9 276 Door Cowl side air shut off 9 789 Pulley assy Generator 2 274 Ball Piston drive 9 172 Door Evaporator air distributor Pump unit Compressor oil 9 172 Bearing Compressor pulley 9 181 outlet 9 264 Race Compressor wobble plate Bearing Compressor wobble Duct Assy air 9 262 thrust brg 9 172 plate thrust 9 172 Elbow AirInlet 9 218 Reciever assy 9 195 Belt Compressor drive 9 185 Escutcheon Air 9 262 Refrigerant Air conditioning 9 282 Belt Engine blower pulley 1 066 Escutcheon Control 9 279 Relay assy Blower motor cut out 9 277 Bezel Air 9 262 Extension assy Airintake 3 417 Resistor Blower motor 9 275 Bezel Control 9 279 Extension assy Wiring adapter 9 276 Retainer Air 9 262 Blade assy Engine or fan 1 064 Fan assy Evaporator blower motor 9 216 Retainer Engine air cooling Blower assy Evaporator 9 215 Fitting Compressor 9 226 shrouding 1 025 Body assy Compressor 9 170 Gasket Compressor clutch Retainer Evaporator air Body Evaporator by pass 9 198 actuating 9 186 distributor outlet 9 264 Bolt Compressor mtg to support 9 173 Gasket Compressor oil test 9 177 Ring Compressor pulley 9 181 Bolt Oil filter by pass 1 837 Gasket Compressor pressure Ring Compressor piston 9 172 Bolt Wheel carrier clamp 7 632 relief 9 178 Ring Compressor shaft 9 175 Brace Compressor mtg bracket Gasket Evaporator blower motor 9 216 Rod Air 9 262 support 9 171 Gasket Evaporator core housing 9 211 Rod Carburetor choke 3 752 Brace Evaporator blower motor 9 216 Gasket Evaporator expansion valve 9 214 Screen Compressor freon inlet 9 172 Bracket Engine Mtg 0 029 Gasket Heater and air conditioning 9 275 Screen Evaporator core housing 9 211 Bracket Evaporator blower motor 9 216 Gasket Oil filter adapter 1 844 Screen assy Evaporator Bracket Evaporator core housing 9 211 Gear unit Compressor oil pump 9 172 expansion valve 9 214 Bracket Evaporator expansion Grille Evaporator air Screw Carb fast idle step up valve 9 214 distributor outlet 9 264 control contact 3 766 Bracket Heater and Air Cond 9 275 Grommet Dehydrator 9 225 Screw Compressor oil test 9 177 Bracket Hose 9 242 Grommet Evaporator core housing 9 211 Screw Compressor pulley 9 181 Bracket Receiver mtg upper Grommet Evaporator pipe 9 220 Screw Evaporator by pass 9 198 and lower 9 196 Harness assy Wiring 9 276 Seal Compressor 9 226 Bracket Refrigerant 9 190 Head Compressor frt and rear 9 174 Seal Compressor shaft 9 175 Bracket assy Compressor mtg 9 171 Hose Evaporator 9 220 Seal Compressor suction pipe 9 240 Bushing Compressor mtg bracket Hose Evaporator core housing 9 211 Seal Engine rear shield 1 030 frt and rear 9 171 Hose Radiator inlet 1 159 Seal Evaporator blower motor 9 216 Cable assy Battery ground 2 341 Hose Radiator outlet 1 173 Seal Evaporator by pass 9 198 1963 7 Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation