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Cadillac Parts and Accessories Catalog June 1991 |
STRUMENT CLUSTER I ALPHABETICAL INDEX A CAP Radio Antenna 4 4 9 647 1 CASE A C Eveporator 4 9 211 qc CASE Air Distributor 4 4 9 786 ACCUMULATOR A C Relrigerant 4 9 195 CASE Instrument Cluster 9 743 i ACTUATOR A C Control 9 280 CHIME Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 Q ADAPTER A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 CIRCUIT BOARD A C Electric Control 9 275 ADAPTER Air Distributor 9 786 CIRCUIT BOARD Instrument Cluster 9 744 ADJUSTER A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 CLAMP A C Compressor 4 4 4 4 9 242 4 ALARM Instrument C uster Warning 9 765 CLAMP A C Refrigerant 4 4 4 9 196 ALARM Speed Indicator 4 9 762 CLAMP Valve In Receiver 4 4 9 199 AMPLIFIER Radio 4 4 9 650 CLIP A C Compressor 4 9 242 4 AMPLIFIER Radio Auxiliary Speakers 4 9 665 CLIP A C Vacuum And Temperature 4 9 291 ANTENNA Radio With Motor 9 645 CLIP Air Distributor 4 9 786 l ANTENNA Radio Antenna 4 4 4 9 647 CLIP Instrument Cluster 9 744 ARMATURE KIT Radio Antenna 9 647 CLIP Radio 9 650 ASPIRATOR A C Electric Control 9 275 CLIP Radio Auxiliary Speakers 44 9 665 CLIP Sgeedometer To Instrument Panel 9 761 i CLUST R Instrument Panel Gage 4 9 735 Q CLUTCH A C Compressor Clutch Actuating 9 186 1 B COIL A C Compressor Clutch Actueting 9 186 g COIL Radio Antenna 9 647 I COMPRESSOR A C Compressor 9 170 L1 BAFFLE Air Outlet 4 9 264 CONDENSER A C Condenser 4 9 190 BARRIER A C Evaporator 4 4 9 211 CONNECTOR A C Electric Control 9 275 BEARING A C Compressor gnternal Pans 9 172 CONNECTOR A C Vacuum And Temperature 9 281 BEARING A C Compressor ulley 9 181 CONNECTOR Air Distributor 4 4 9 766 BEZEL Radio Antenna 4 9 647 CONNECTOR Engine Vacuum Fue Economy 9 755 l BOLT B CLIP KIT Radio Antenna 9 647 CONNECTOR KIT Cigarette Lighter 9 709 BOLT A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 CONNECTOR Radio Antenna 4 9 647 BOLT A C Compressor Mounting 4 4 9 173 CONTROL Heater And A C Control 9 273 BOLT A C Evaporator Blower 9 216 CONTROL Radio Control 4 9 649 i BOLT Radio Antenna 9 647 CORE A C Evaporetor 4 9 210 BOLT Radio Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 COVER A C Electric Control 4 9 275 BOOT Instrument Cluster 9 748 COVER A C Evaporator 9 211 1 BOWDEN WIRE REPAIR Outside Air 9 787 COVER Radio Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 BRACE A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 CUP Radio Antenna 4 4 4 4 9 647 BRACKET A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 CUSHION A C Condenser 9 190 BRACKET A C Compressor Pulley 9 191 CUSHION Body To Frame Bolt 4 4 9 023 Y BRACKET A C Compressor 4 4 4 9 242 CUSHION KIT Body To Frame Bolt 4 9 023 i BRACKET A C Wiring 9 276 CYLINDER A C Compressor 9 179 A BRACKET Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 f BRACKET Radio Antenna 9 647 BRACKET Radio And Speaker 4 9 656 ff BRACKET Radio Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 D BRACKET Radio Mounting 9 667 BRACKET Rear Compartment Lamp 9 9BB j BRACKET Speedometer To Instrument Panel 9 761 DEFLECTOR Air Distributor 4 9 262 V BREAKER Rear Window Defogger 9 778 DEFLECTOR Air Outlet 9 264 BUSHING Air Distributor 9 262 DIAL KIT A C Control 9 279 BUSHING Instrument Cluster 9 748 DIAL Speedometer To Instrument Panel 9 761 II RUSHING Speedometer To Instrument Panel 9 761 DISPLAY Miles For Gallon Computer Module 9 763 1 BUTTON Radio Tuner 4 9 652 DISTRIBUTOR Air Distributor 4 4 9 786 BUTTON SWITCH Radio Control 9 649 DUCT A C Electric Control 9 275 Id DUCT Air Distributor 4 4 9 262 DUCT Air Distributor 4 9 786 c DUCT Side Window Delroster 9 750 CABLE Radio Antenna 9 647 E f Q CAP A C Compressor 9 177 I CAPACITOR Instrument Cluster 9 744 ri CAPACITOR Radio 9 654 ELEMENT Cigarette Lighter 9 709 4 CAPACITOR Radio Static Suppression 9 663 EMBLEM Ra io Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 A i 1991 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS CADILLAC 62Wt Y I 9 1A INDEX V It e s ae s s T 1 I I L z m I M A As sQs s z eos or t a q r E ear w cg Tr