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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961
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Description Page No D 1 encxipII ii n1 Page No MISCELLANEOUS CHASSIS IIltLUt I RATIONS Cont PASSENGER CAR BODY Cont 1963 Air Conditioning Distributor i 1196 l956 EE 7 Corvette Front View Exploded 4 1308 1961 62 Air Conditioning Air Dislributior Parts 4 1197 1958 62 Corvette Front End Explocled 1309 1959 62 Cool Pack Air Conditioning Typical 1198 1963 Corvette Front End Exploded t 1310 1959 60 Cool Pack Air Conditioning Evcxporator Assy 1956 57 tjlorvette Center Body Exp1oded 4 1311 Typical 1 4 1199 1963 Corvette Center B0dy Explc ded 1312 1959 62 Cool Pack Air Conditioning Hoses and Conuec 1953 55 Clorvette Rear Body Exp1oc1ed 4 1313 tions Typical t 4 K 1200 1956 57 tiilorvette Rear Body lExp1oded 1314 1961 62 Cool Pack Air Conditioning Evaporator 195862 Corvette Front End Panels 4 1315 Mounting Details 1 1 4 1201 l958 162 Corvette Rear End Panels 4 4 1315 1962 Air Conditioning Freon Control Valve Assembly 1963 Corvette Rear Body Exp loded V 1316 Exploded t t 1 1202 l 953155 Corvette Underb0dy Expl0ded 1317 1956 E17 Corvette Underb0dy Front View 4 1318 PASSENGER CHR BODY 1956 fES7 Corvette Underb0dy Rear View 1318 E 1957 tljlozrvette Underbody Ex1 l0ded 4 4 1319 V 1953 52 Corvette Underbody and Seat Belts 1320 1958 Nomad Station Wagon A l A h V Q 1 P A I I 4 l 1259 196 tlgiozrvette Underbody 44 1321 1958 Yeomun Station Wagon TWC Domjj U A P I I V A b 1260 196tJ t o Z 2tte Spare Trre Carrxer 1322 1959 Nomad Station Wagon V A A V I V A 1 4 U I A P V 4 A V 1261 l958 ti 2 toorvette Fender Skirt and Remtorcements 11323 1959 Stutkm Wagon Rem View j V A V I I 4 U A A A I I 1262 1 95811121 Jorvette Instrument Panel Supports Typical 1324 1960 Nomqd Station Wagon 4 A j 1 v v A l 1 1263 l955 t11l5 E1 el Air Sport Coupe Interior Window Mouldings 1325 1961 Nomad Station Wugonj V V I I 4 V l I l U I I 4 4 V 4 VIQG4 1 956 ES7 Corvette Winclshield Exploded 4 1326 1961 Station Wagon Rear View v A A llgll j I 4 U 4 41265 l955tl 1 7 Electric Windsihield Vtliper Parts 1327 1962 Impala Station Wagon Irllgv I b U I I I I I V I 4 4 V 4 41266 1957 Zlgiletcrtric Windshield Wiper Parts Slow Park Unit 1328 1962 Im lu Station WG On BECK View P 4 V V I I A I I A 1267 l958 Zle1 itric Windshield Wiper Parts 4 1329 PG 9 t 3 1963 Impclu Station Wagon nvvn A A j Y llvg l llnlnv 1268 I958 l V1r1ash1eld Wiper Installation 4 1330 1963 Impulq Station Wagon Rem View nllgn 1 A U 1 1269 l959 tal Tzungle Speed Nindshie1d Wiper Parts Typical 1 1331 1959 Rear Compartment Demi j j lgll U 1 A 1 P V P I I l27O 1962 lilinqle Speed Windshield Wiper Motor Expl0ded 1332 1961 Rear Compartment Demi U j V A Q U 4 j A 4 I 4 V 1271 1963 l c1 ss stenger Windshield Wiper Linkage 1333 1959 Nine P Ss Station WGgOnr 9 r Vmwj P 4 P I 4 V 12 72 1963 il 1 y ette Windshield Wiper Linkage 4 1333 1960 Station Wagon Rear View V A V I I 1 j V 4 I IZY3 l959 62 1wo Speed Windshield Wiper Parts Typical 1 1 1334 1961 Station Wagon Rem View V lnnlnn b A b b 4 I p l 1274 l 92E I l liztl i llwo Speed Windshiel l Wiper Pump Parts V 3 YpiC i 4 1334 igggggl j 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 2 1 rsassueztz ti tt333tt33t w113t131t13131 w1p3t L1t11t3q3 ryp1331 1335 1962 Impqlq Convertible IMBHOL A V j A A A A 1 1277 Corvette Windshield Wviper Parts 1336 1962Impa1c1 sp3t1 33311 111t3t131 3 1 3 1278 f 1 1 S l14 1l 1962 Impala Station Wagon Interior 1 4 1279 l fy jFf9 U Dom an Or S mm 1962 63 Impala Station Wagon REM mom und 951 Zlront oor and Parts Electr1c 4 1339 ot13tt3t 1ttt3tt3t 313311 t 1280 i iii Dwi ii i i iiii iiie iii im 1962 Impala Station Wagon Interior Rear View 1281 1958 Qlimnt Door and P rtS M nu 1 1340 1955 Passenger Instrument Pumgl V A P I 4 A V 4 I 4 4 1282 1 958 lrlecxr Door and Parts M 1nual 4 1341 1957 Passenger Instrument Pumgl A V I I b I I 4 I 1283 1 959 lF rc r1t Door and Parts Sport Coupe 4 1342 1958 Pnssenger Instrument Panel 4 I j I U 4 I V I l I l 4 I 4 I 1284 1 959 1t Poor Sedan Rear Door and Parts 1343 1959 60 Passenger Instrument Panel Typical 1285 jilgjwnv S i 1n 9 lrDD O 1 nd Parts 1961 62 Passenger Instrument Panel I y1 ical 1286 IV 9 Om G G1 S 1963 Passenger Instrument Panel 1 1 1287 l 581 ff jwrvette Door and P rtS 1345 1953 55 Corvette Instrument Panel Y I 4 1 I I A P I 4 1288 1 958 12 Corvette Door and Rear Compartment Locks 1346 1333 31 331 v3tt3 II1S1IL1H1 I11 1 3tt31 t 4 A V 1289 i i 58 ii2 iV ii Dwi Hiiige iiiiii Leek iiiiiiei im 1958 62 Corvette Instrument Panel Ty1 ic al 1290 crit IEOM Venmqtol 1348 1963 33tv3tt3 133ttttttt3ttt 33331 t t 1 V tt tt 1291 6 ii V eii Ceiiveiiiiiie Veii iiiiii i i D i iiiS t tt iw 1958 62 c31 113113 1tt3ttt1tt131311 3tt3 tn311 tt j 1 ypz33t1 4 1292 1 631 ij Cf i Vw mid Dwi Tiim Detmls 1349 1963 Corvette Instrument Panel R lI l1OI C l l lBI 1 lS 1293 1 96 1jj l 9H V1 mdow Cbqmwl Dgmtls 1350 1333 3333333 3333313 1ttttt Panel ttt t t t 3 1 1293 i i 5i i 2 iiwi Qiiiiiiei Wiiiiiiiwi Tv i i t im 1958 62 031 V3113 111S1I1 1IY1 Hl cittstttt ryp13311 t t 1t 12224 l 95B ifT2 A ili Y Tw O Wi i 54 1962 Corvette Instrument Details 1295 1958 1 QZOIVQHG A 1 i Top REG Wxndow 1455 1333 33 113131 1133313 1131313 11 11 1333 t ty133 t t t 1333 ii5i i i iv ie Seii Se i i i iiiii ieiiiiiiq TOP Lid t t im 1958 Sheet Metal Repair Panels 1Eiltati1 m Vtiagon 1297 Djmiviitg LU LOi1 d Q1 1959 Metal Repair Panels 4 Dr litody Styles 1298 2965 fQO1AVK Ri mg OL 1 stm S 1458 1959 Sheet Metal Repair Panels 1 1tation Vttagon t 1299 tfiwva 9 QI wt fine GHS 1960 Impala Sport Sedan Sheet Metial Repair Panels 1300 959 l j Manual SEM Adlusleri 1459 1960 Sheet Mend 4 Dr Body Style I I I U I b b V I I I 1301 19554537 Electric Seat Adjuster 1460 1961 Sheet MBRI1 Four Dom Body gt 1y1 I 4 1302 1959 150 Six Way Electric Seat Adjuster Typical 1461 1963 Sheet ME t 1 1 wO DOO1 Body 1 19 V V 1303 1960 63 Six Way Electric Seat Sinqle Motor C0nstructi0n1462 1963 Sheet Meta1 Four Door 1 Iarrttop Body Style 1 1304 1960 53 Six Way Electric Seat Trcmsmission Exploded 1463 1963 Sheet M3t 1 St t1o11 Wagon Body Style 1305 1960 53 Six Wcy Electric e t Adjuster Exploded 1463 1963 Impala Super Sport Console 1306 1957 Passenger Trunk Lid E p1oded 1521 195355 Corvette Front Body Exp ode1 1 1 1307 1958 Passsenger Trunk Lid Exp1oded t 1 1522 1962 t Q LZ l l lv1 lZ tZ 3IZlXQZZ 3 tt33 73 E SED NOVEMBER lm