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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961
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ABBREVIATIONS Abs Absorber Econ Economy A C Automatic Choke Emerg Emergency A C Gen Alternating Current Eng Engine Generator Equip Equipment Accel Accelerator Escn Escutcheon Ad Adjustable Exc Except I Adi usiiiia Exch Exchange Air SINVIwww lzxirsuspension EXl 1 EXl 10 l1Sii A M A Aii Meier Expan Expansion Amp U UH H HU H Amp I6 Ext External A R As Required Exfsnslnn Assy Assembly F Extre Heavy Duty A T ALL Automatic Fqcmg Transmissions F I Flat Face Cowl Aux Aoxitioiy Ft 1I 1 F1ll1Sl9I Big HNHUM N B ai ing Flwhl Flyvvheel FIGX Flexible FlllI1 Fl9 ll1I1 BprhUUUN H UU UBump I Flg Flange FOlCll1 1g Cad Cadmium F M Fuel MeteT C Shaft comshott Frqd Forged C A C Ca Ai Condition 4BC Four Barrel ing exc Cool F F Carburetor ack rt ront Carb Carburetor Gal Gallon gin ggfiief Garn Garnish assis en Chnl Channel gov ggggggggr Chr Chrome Gski GQ k i c1 Clutch Hu H S 6 Ck C Crankcase envy Duty ck shott ciotiksiiott H PQI High P nf nn n C l C Continental Tire Hex HeX 90 Cgryigy Handle C bore Counterbore Hd Head COE Cab Over Engine Hdlng Headlining Comb Combination Hd p Headlamp Comm Commercial H D gasp Heavy Duiy Comp Compressor Suspension Compt 4 C mP ftm t H L High Litt Compr Compression HSg Housing COM Conneeting H T Truck Hydramatic Conv Convertible Transmission CPe C0uPe Htr Heater Cplq Cnupiinq Hvy Heavy Ctr S Countershatt Hy Hyaii C sunl Countersunk Hyd Hydraulic Ctr Center ID Inside Diameter C h Cnshinn Ident Identification Cyl Cvhndsr Igii Ignition gbii gngbii Imit Imitation e e ec OI Incl Includes Det Defroster na Indiaaiai Dev Developed 1 niet Dinph t Dlnphrnqm Instr Insttomom Dm Dinmster Ins Insulator Ditt Di tferential Internal Distr Distributor Int intake gilk Ilgggilen igitgr Intermediate in Din nnned Leia ET t 1 D D Forward Control L Laii Dubl Duti Ch SSi L C l Low Cut in issz 6 Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation