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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961
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NEW PARTS OR ACCESSORIES RIZITURNED FOR CREDIT Instructioins for Diealers A New material returnable for cireditt is of six general E Retain the number 3 copy of PC 659 as yon record classifications ot shipm ent l PARTS RETURNABLE UNDER 90 DAY RETURN CLAUSE li When returning new Parts and Accessories to GMPD OF SELLING AGREEMENT INCLUDING MATERIAL Warehouse via prepaid express which were origi ORDERED OR SHIPPED IN ZFERROR nally stiipped in error by GMPD attach a copy of 2 ACCESSORIES RETURNABLZIEZ UNDER 30 DAY RETURN the paid express receipt to the No 2 copy of PC 659 CLAUSE OF SELLING AGREEMENT INCLUDING an d credit for normal transportation expense will ACCESSORIES ORDERED OR SHIPPED IN ERROR be allowed 3 DEFECTIVE NEW PARTS ill D i iectlive New Parts 4 DEFECTIVE NEW ACCESSORIES ZL New parts found to be defective before installation has 5 SURPLUS STOCK occurred a re to be returned by you to the Parts Warehouse 6 4 UNSALABLE PARTS RETURN PLAN on liczizrin PC 659 Parts and Accessories returnable in accordance with the Tll 9 i ll0Wi Q ii 1i01 m ii0 Shmlid PP f OH PC 6592 Selling Agreement should be wri tten on separate PC 659 A Normal Shipping GMPD Warehouse Application For Authorization to Iteturn New Material Parts lit GMPD l Warehouse Address of only one of the above classifications should be written on set C Date of one applications When items of more than one classification ID Dealer s Name and Address are to be returned a separate application should be used for lll PartNo each group listed above Form GSD l 2 should be used as out F Name ot Part lined in paragraph D l when retiirning defective accessories G Quantity to be Returned B Material returnable under Eltt oir Ztttttl day return clause lit DMG Received of selling agreement including miuterial ordered or lt RGGSOH for RQTHIH find N i I of tht D f9Ci shipped in error Included are p a rtts and accessories Whlili f9l f i I m i i lr ShiPm l Shmilil be made S Oui found to be short or missing co mp1i nerit parts at time of ii 1 1t iii P 1Qf ii h B 2 installation 2 New parts found to be defective after installation are to be 1 It is necessary that form PC 659 be prepared in three copies llffmfiled OH GSD 17 L 81 M R iii lh Sflm m HH 1 GS il in order to properly identify returrired parts or accessories till Diilifl llfld b 91 1l1 1 l ll diU Pf0 i11Cii0 1 and thereby expedite the issuance of credit to your account Each part Should be taqq d with GSD 40 M R Def ctlv By showing the required information on this form it not only M ll i l THQ showing serves as a packing slip to identify the shipment but also ttiit V hi0l9 Serial Nllmb fi as an invoice from you to Chevrolet Motor Division for the Bl L M R NHmb YSi materials returned C Port Number PC 659 should show Di Body Number A Normal Shipping GMPD Warehouse H Dealer s Name and Address B GMPD Warehouse Address M 1t erial will be retained for a period of 30 days after date C Date L t M R is written except those items which you have D Dealer Name and Address been specifically instructed to return according to the E Part Number latest Master Material Return List F Name of Part Material if returned should be packed carefully and shipped G Quantity to Return PREPAID to General Motors Parts Division Warehouse to H Packing Slip Number which you normally return defective service material I W r h Se Received Fr i m Shipping W re h se 3 Cfopies 1 thru 4 of GSD 17 are to be moiled to the Zone fl DMB Received M iii Room The number 5 copy retained as your record of K RQUSOU OY Return shipinent GSD IYT Listing Tag is to be used as a packing 2 When returning material shipmeritstiould be made asfollows Sup tcyr the mqyeriq shipped A Tag One Of aCh part with PC lO0 Returned New 1 Dqgjfgglive New Acgeggqgieg Material Tag showing l New accessories found to be defective before or after in l PC 659 Number sizallation are to be returned on GSD 17 in the same 2 Part Number rnanner as a new parts policy adjustment as outlined in 3 Part Name Pcziragraph C 2 4 Quantity lil Aizltter 90 days have expired on parts or 30 days on 5 Dealer Name riiacesiimries dealer may apply for authorization to return 6 Dealer Address such g o ds as Surplus Stock B Mail No l copy of PC 659 to General Motors Parts l Application should be completed on Form PC 659 as in Division Warehouse to which you normall gard Cf J except the reason for return should show Surplus your parts orders i Sto4 li and all three copies should be mailed to the Zone C Pack material carefully for sate the Ottice and material held by you for disposition No 2 copy of PC 659 ai plicat ion as ing slip 12 The inumbers 2 and 3 copies ot the application will be re l NOTE On Parcel Post shipme cking slip is tiiri1 edtq y01J showing disposition to be made of the material to be enclosedin an e bearing fi rst 3 Cir r l liipt of the numbers 2 and 3 copies you should handle classpostage Att actiQenvelope to package tit of items coded R in accordance with procedure D Ship the material PREPAID to the General Motors out in Paragraph B 2 A C D E Parts Division Wareho u e to which you normally IE Your lParts and Accessories Merchandising Manager forward your parts orders If shipped express pre will fuirniish detailed instructions pertaining to the return paid attach express receipt of parts under the 4 Unsuleable Parts Return Plan NOTE Paid receipts are not required on other than prepaid express returns for material shipped in error l962 Chevrolet Motor Division 5 General Motors Corporation