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COMMONLY USED AND RECOMMENDED PHRASES C ODlNG TABULATION CONTINUED CUSTOMS 579 Fair market value column not com let 573 Aifidavits will be forwarded to you XLOUP 580 s m 8 P i t P h f i Cmldg 11 3 I 1 l l I I 574 Customs invoice received not complete XLOUR i 4 4 575 Certificate form M A not signed l XLOUO 576 Place and date not shown on certificate form M A XLOUD GENERAL 577 Rush certified customs invoices in triplicate XLOUU 123 Will awnrt further instruction XLGMP 193 Mail customs and accounting invoices immediately special delivery XLGTP 125 Unless otherwise advised v I l l Y I l i l l b 4 XLGM0 194 Mmi gm rented customs and accounting invoices immediately 263 Are you covering A I l XLMDP special deliyery XLGTR 278 Will you agree to r i 4XLMUC 578 Country of origin not shown l XLOUC 400 Inspection rejecting V XLRSS COMMONLY USED AND RECOM MEN DED PHRASESS DECODlNG TABULATION 101 Refer order XLGSG 191 Wire full orwarding information 102 Refer to our wire of XLGSM 192 Wire car number containing I 103 Refer to our letter of r XLGSP 193 Mail cusmma and accounting invoices immediately speciiii delivery XLGTP 104 Reply by mail 1 XLGSR 194 Mail cori ected customs and accounting invoice immedintellv 105 Wire answer to our wire uf XLGS0 special delivery i I XLGTR 106 Wire answer to our letter of XLGSD 195 word in your telegram date incorrect 107 The letter you refer to has not been received send duplicate XLGSU Advise XLGT0 108 Mailing order today XLGSC 197 Rush invoices air mail l XLGTU 109 Refer to your wire of XLGST 198 Rush invoices air mail to arrive this oiiice latest r XLGTC 110 Refer to your letter of I XLGGS 199 Rush invoices special delivery 4 XLGTT 111 Refer to our pho e conversation l XLGGG 200 Imperative mail special delivery all invoices covering csrlomrl 112 Refer our shipping schedule number XLGGM consolidated r XLM SS 113 Advise compliance or vyire approval XLGGP 201 Our invoice correct superseding part number XLM SG 114 Wire acknowledgment immediately XLGGR 202 Change description our invoice r XLMSM 115 Wire nnsyver r XLGGO 203 Our invoice incorrect Change part number to read according your 116 Wire advice XLGGD order XLM SP 117 Reply to our letter or memo XLGGU 207 Change shipping marks on our order to read XLMSU 118 Advise shipping date dealer order XLGGC 209 Deduct frc m schedule XLMST 119 Ship G M A C wholesale XLGGT 225 Enter under code XLMMO 120 Following order number confirms XLGMS 225 Divert code or shipment XLMMD 121 Your invoice shows XLGMG 227 Dealer requests change from sight draft to G M A C win 123 Will await further instructions XLGMP appr0vaL XLMMU 124 Further information by mail XLGMR Z2 Change from sight draft to G M A C XLMMC 125 Unless otherwise advised XLGM0 229 Divert pro zecting through rate XLMMT 126 Cancel all unshipped orders dealer XLGMD 230 Divert regardless of rate XLM PS 127 Advise wading date following models XLGMU 231 Rebill load G M A C XLMPG 128 Advise us or dealer if fo owing models ready for immediate 232 Ship G M A C wholesale freight financed XLMPM delivery XLGMC ZIV Balance will follow XLMRU 129 Unless otherwise advised dealer will be at factory date for follow 248 Your back order consisting of XLM RC ing models XLGMT 249 Awaitinz back orders for the following XLMR I 130 Ship as scheduled XLGPS 250 Have you ieceived order XLMOS 131 Must be dispatched on or before XLGPG 251 Have you shipped XLMOG 132 Wire if unable to ship today XLGPM 252 When can you ship XLMOM 133 Send by first mail XLGPP 253 How and when did you ship XLMOP 134 Ship today XLGPR 25l How when and what quantity did you ship of order mnuber part 135 Urgent Cnr tied up XLGPO number XLMOR 136 Cable received that spare parts covered by our order 255 Did you ex areas today XLMO0 are urgently needed XLGPD 256 Can you ship at once XLMOD 137 Ship following loads immediately XLGPU 257 Have you expressed XLMOU 138 Release for immediate dispatch XLGPC 258 Did you freight today XLMOC 139 Urgently required XLGPT 259 Can you nc ept cancellation A XLM OT 140 Rush shipment XLGRS 260 When will you ship samples XLMDS 141 Check and advise by wire XLGRG 261 Can you supply immediately XLMDG 142 Check your schedule and shipments XLGRM 262 On what date can we secure driveaway consisting cf XLMDM 143 Ship by express today XLGRP 283 Are you covering A XLM DP 144 Ship by freight today XLGRR 264 Arc you completing today Schedule No XLMDR 145 Ship by truck or transport today XLGRO 265 Are you shipping shortages today Schedule N0 4 XLMD0 146 Ship express prepaid 4 XLGRD 266 Did you ship as scheduled as promised XLMDD 147 Ship cnr load freight prepaid XLGRU 267 How soon after sample OK d can you ship XLMDU 168 Ship parcel post insured XLGRC 268 CUI YOU Ship today XLMDG 149 Arrive here latest i XLGRT 269 What quantities following parts in transit since date XLMDT 150 Ship immediately i i XLGOS 210 Wire individual shipments made since XLM US 151 Ship by express i XLGOG 271 What deliveries can you make KLM UG 152 Ship by freight 4 XLGOM 272 When are you mailing shipping schedule XLM UM 153 Ship by electric freight XLGOP 273 When are you mailing additional purchase order i XLMUP 154 Ship by truck or transport l4 XLGOR 274 May we return for credit our expense order XLMUR 155 Ship by boat XLG00 275 Shall we retain for credit our expense order XLM UO 156 Ship by Bret claus mail i XLGOD 276 Our receivable balance please confirm XLM UD 157 Ship by sir mail XLGOU 277 Our payable balance please confirm XLM UU 158 Ship by air express XLGOC 278 Will you agree to l XLM UC 159 Ship by parcel post l XLGOT 279 We have coilected cash covering delivery at your location l XLMUT 160 Ship by parcel post special delivery 4 XLGDS 288 Source cannot ship freight today will express be necessary l XLMCC 161 Ship by parcel post special delivery special handling XLGDG 289 Cannot possibly ship before l XLM CT 162 Ship in first car XLGDM 290 Shipped today XLMTS 163 Ship our order number via express instead 291 Shipped in cur yesterday l XLMTG of freight i XLGDP 292 Will ship tomorrow l XLMTM 164 Ship our order number via freight instead 293 Will do all possible to ship this week r XLMTP of express i XLGDR 294 Cannot possibly ship today XLMTR 1G5 Ship by truck within 24 hours XLGDO 295 C 0 blY ship thi W k XLMT0 166 Ship balance of order by freight i XLGDD 296 Expect to sk ip your order XLMTD 167 Must have quantity today 4 XLGDU 297 Will dispatch your order number A 4 XLMTU 168 Ship to and charge us parts ordered by XLGDC 293 Your order dispatched i XLMTC 169 Do not charge to us parts ordered by i4 XLGDT 299 Dispatch promised for l XLMTT 170 Cancel our order of i 4 XLGUS 300 Promised fr ight today XLPSS 171 Hold up shipment i XLGUG 301 Shipped by express l XLPSG 172 Please hold for instruction our order of A XLCUM 302 Shipped by treight XLPSM 173 Hold up fabrication and shipment of XLGUP 303 Shipped by truck cr transport i XLPSP 174 Cancel following items our order XLG UR 3N Shipped by bout XLPSR 175 Cancel following items our order and confirm 305 Shipped by lirst class mail i XLPSO by wire XLG UO 06 Shipped by uir mail l l i XLPSD 176 Cancel following items our order and confirm 307 Shipped by mir express XLPSU by letter XLGUD 308 Shipped by parcel post XLPSC 177 Make substitutions l XLGUU 309 Shipped in first car l l XLPST 178 Make following substitutions i l XLG UC 310 Shipping today in car number l l XLPGS 179 Change shipment scheduled 4 XLGUT 311 Shipping next car nu or about XLPGC 180 Divert shipment made i XLGCS 312 Shipping express today XLPGM 181 Add to our order l XLGCG 313 Shipping freight today 4 XLPGP 182 Add the following items to our order and 314 Shipping trunk or transport today XLPGR confirm by letter XLGCM 315 Shipping today XLPGO 183 When shipping next car containing 4 XLGCP 318 Shipping by express XLPGD 184 If not in carload today i XLGCR 317 Shipping by Freight XLPGU 185 If not in transit 4 XLGC0 318 Shipping by electric freight 4i 4 XLPGC 186 Truce shipment uf 4 4 XLCCD 319 Shipping by truck cr transport XLPGT 187 Advise by letter quantity shipped XLGCU 320 Shipping by 0at XLPMS 188 Wire quantity shipped 4 XLGCC 321 Shipping by tint class mail 4 XLPMG 189 Wire definite dispatch date our order XLGCT 322 Shipping by air mail r r XLPMM 190 Wire shipping date our order XLGTS 323 Shipping by air express XLPMP 426 3 L 4