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Truck Parts Catalog June 1971 |

ENGINE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PART NO 3941195 CONT 1963 MODELS Require items B thru I K M O P Q R thru U plus the following Item Qty Part N0 Description Remarks V 1 3749965 Exhaust Manifold Assy LH Purchase new or transfer from W 1 3824073 Generator Brace replaced engine I962 MODELS Require items B thru I K M O thru W plus the following X 1 3760364 Generator Brace Purchase new or transfer from Y 1 3773659 Generator Bracket Tilt Only replaced engine GENERAL INFORMATION 1 When installing clutch housing transmission pilot bore alignment and face runout should be checked as I specified in the Shop Manual Also transfer underpan extension underpan hole cover clutch fork and attaching parts A 2 The oil filler tube hole has been relocated on the 1966 inlet manifold When using this engine assembly 1 as a replacement on 1965 and prior models it is required to use items R thru U with the inlet mani fold as provided with this engine assembly Also install hose connector into filler tube in order to reassemble hose to filler tube 3 If any part number listed above is not shown in the current master parts catalog check history sec tion of the catalog for replacing part number 4 Models with optional equipment require transfer or replacement of engine parts special to such options 5 Models equipped with powermatic transmission require the removal of the pilot bushing from the crankshaft 6 The inlet manifold of this assembly is specified for air brake equipment Minor modification may be required when using this assembly on other than air brake equipped vehicles 7 On some models the thermostatic bypass sytem may require transfer of all or part of the system as necessary 1 N l97O CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT ON P A 31 75