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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968 |
W rztc V V W yrrr V V 7 l V l C b A bl MMER C lAL 5 Y l i l BOD if PARTS ECTllD il I Six and Eig li1 Cylinder Moclels 938 1969 N NOTE Paris for special models 1 l c d y assemblies not ol Cheviralet rnanuiriclure should be ordered Dogg direct mm the zx1c nu aut irer whose name appears on the Body Ncme Plate Parts for special 16 roriversious made after le vehicle has been delivered by l1EVl OlE l Mcilcir Division should also l be ordered direc from l1 mcinufaczlurer involved T i 2 lK lElY T0 SYIVIIBOLES l Door Hinges l The usage of parts lisltendl in this section is desiigrnnutazse l either by job 16 320 Q numbers chassis symh oEl s or model abb revia tions xsliuwwn below CAB IBODIES llnclmfling Cub Over Engyime All e i Il l I C CAB CAB OVER ENGINE COE i SINGLE UNIT lBODIZ ES Panels Canopy Express V Suburban Carryaillfl 3 05 06 16 3805 CY1405 6 1 5 3 6OEi seats 5 K1405 06 16 SGL UNIT 16 670 SUBURBAN CA HRYAI I BODY 3106 1 6 C1406 16 lE 14l lD 5 16 SUB V SUBURBAN CARRY I I I BODY with Enid Z Gate 3116 011416 HZ11416 SUB W END GATE SUBURBAN CARRYAZLI BODY with Piunel 1 Doors 3106 21406 ll 1l406 S l llB W DOORS Y SUBURBAN PICK UZIP Canneo Carrier 3lZ4l 15ii UB PICK UP Tfim 1 ANr L nomr 310li 380Ei C1 405 3605 Kl405 PANEL 16 715 DOUBILE UNIT BODIIES With Cab and Separatxe llB d1y l 31014 24 3204 3604 0 l 3804 09 4109 4409 Cl404 i 44 15 Zl4 3 4 l 2504l 09 34 3604 09 KL140 4 34l 1504 34 2504 34 DBL UNIT PLAIN CHASSIS LESS WIINDSHIELD 310Z 360Z 38U i 4102 4402 450Zi C14lDi i 2502 35502 PFC on I ZLA Zl PACE COWL sg Uni gody PLAIN CHASSIS WITIEI WIINDSHIELD 311f2 3612 Parts P 3812l 411Z 4412 C14lZ L Z iZl2 31612 CIZZVWL with W S u 0M 1y z30 SMOOTH SIDE PI IZ Ul 23104 3204 3604 Cl4l3 4 1L534 ZiliiiEl4 g V K1434 1534 2 534 IFLEETSIDE SERIES 3000 SER 3 ALL ABOVE MVODIILSL ALL l E d G t Ng rg con discontinued une 1s 1 Ser 1955 Prodviclivrr V SQL Iiynitugidv g 17 185 ll Q U ll ClI REFERENCE INIDZIIXZ Dbl Unit Body l D1 iver s compartment paris lncil CabV V V V V V V V 1 5 000 16 802 l PUYIS Si r1 g le Unit Double Unit g 17 405 17 804 Load compartment paris cis ollowis E 0diVe Bodies l Platicimi and Sills V V V V V V V V V V l7 C jlV l l7 EEiC l YV4O5 17 447 1 Top V A V V V V V l7 iO Body From End V V V V V V V V V V V V l7 455 V Body Sides V V V V V V 17 lVO l i ES Zl 17 500 171524 i End G Y V Body Rear End V V V V V V V V 17 560 Dbl Unit Body E nd Y1ote V V V V VVVV VV V V V V V V1 Z l i55 i V1ZZE ZE 1 17 615 17 635 17 615