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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968 |

67 68 Pass 68 Police 68 69 Corvette vv l l D Brakes 54 5212187 1 67 lNSL l A l lOFll rear 8 69 Corvette vv H D Brakes 5463822 6 30 lNSU i A1l lZ Fll fron1i 8 4 669 SPRING Wheel Cylinder Piston 38 50 All exc PC 51 52 Comm Utllity exc 5 Ton front 38 48 Pass Comm e xc PC 49 50 Comm 51 52 M 1 ttm 53 57 1 Ton 55 57 D D vv 14 brake or duals 60 Ser 30 D D vv duals 5455428 43 rear l lc ts 1 2 l lOTE 1 Wheel cylinder cup 545 5483 must be used 51 55 Utllity lst Ser 54 55 Comm vv H T lst Ser exc D D 5453828 25 rear 5 conical coils 4 56 59 Pass Corvette Comm 60 62 Corvette vv l D Brake Susp 60 62 Ser 10 thru 30 exc 4 Vl D 63 Ser 10 exc 4 WD 63 Ser 20 63 Ser 30 exc D D 65 69 G 10 64 69 Ser 10 thru 30 Blazer front 60 62 Ser 20 64 67 Ser 20 5455487 39 rear vv expander Note 2 2 NOTE 2 Not used on D D models vv 14 brake or duals 56 59 g Ton exc P Trac 56 66 Pass Corvette 60 66 HQ Ton 67 69 G 20 67 69 Ser 10 67 69 Pass 54 55 489 39 rear vv expander 2 57 59 Corvette vv l D Brake Susp 61 62 Corvette vv l l D Brake Susp 64 66 G 10 vv 3 36 axle rear 60 Corvette vv H D Brake Susp front and rear Ng dia 67 Ser 30 D D vv 11 000 Ib axle 54 55421 39 front 2 60 65 Corvette 60 69 Pass 67 69 G20 5456982 43 front 2 60 69 Ser 30 799300 15 rear 2 64 65 10 front 64 66 Gi 10 exc 3 36 axle 5455425 39 rear 1 dia 2 65 69 Corvette 5465915 50 rear lnrake caliper piston return 8 65 66 Corvette 5465964 37 front ltlrake caliper piston return 8 66 69 Gi 10 5452331 42 rear lg dia 2 67 69 Corvette 67 68 Pass vv Disc Brakes 54 66733 32 front brake caliper plston return 8 67 69 Ser 30 vv 11 000 Ib axle 5467264 45 rear V4 clia cyl 2 68 69 Pass vv Disc Brake single piston design 1st design 54 69180 46 front brake caplper piston return hair pin type Note 3 4 69 Pass vv Disc Brakes single plston design 2nd design 54 69497 43 front brake callper piston return clip on type Note 3 4 NOTE 3 Three types of shoes are in service Part number 5469180 may he used vvith any type shoe Part number 5469497 IS used only on inboard shoe vvith flat notch on top 4 670 BOO lI SHlEL Wheel Cylinder 53 55 Comm 1st Ser 51 52 Pass lg Ton 53 59 Pass Corvette 55 59 Ser 3 2nd Ser exc 4 WD 60 62 Ser 10 thru 30 exc 4 WD 63 Ser 10 exc 4 WD 60 62 Corvette vv l l D Brake Susp t 1969 CHEVF10l ET lVlOTOR DIVISION GENERAL l IOTORS CZORPOR T ON REV 7 1 69 P 4 203 4 668 4 67O