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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968
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AIBBREVIATIONS Cont d l T Teeth U Pan Underpan Tach Tachometcizr Upr Upper TDM Tandem Util Utility Tel W Telescopic Wheel Temp Teniperature Ter Terminal Vac Vacuum T G Turboglide Vent Ventilator T H Turbo Hydraniatic rnd Thread Therm Thermostanl W G T Warner Gear T Ign Transistor Ignition Transmission T W Tilt Wheel W With Trans Transmission W A C Automatic Choke 2 B C Two Eiarrel Carburetor W O Without 3 2B C Triple Two Barrel Carburetor Carburetor W Pump Water Pump Trf Transier WB Wheelbase Turbo T urboc ha1 ge1 W Cord Weathercord Whlhse Wheelhouse Wind Window U joint Universal Joint W S Windshield US Under s i c W Strip Weatherstrip Univ Universal W W Windshield Washer 1969 CHEVROLET IVIOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION REV 3 1 69 iv iQ