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1973-78 Truck Illustration Catalog February 1982
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T6 40 1977 78 K3 FRONT AXLE DANA I 1 HOUSING ASM 6 008 39 WASHER Diff Side Gear Thrust 5 543 2 SHIM Pinion Brg Adj 5 460 40 GEAR Diff Side 5 528 3 BEARING ASM Drive Pinion Otr 5 447 41 WASHER Diff Pinion Thrust 5 542 4 SLINGER Drive Pinion Oil 5 545 42 GEAR Diff Pinion 5 526 5 SEAL Pinion Flg Oil 5 469 43 SHAFT Diff Pinion 5 517 6 DEFLECTOR Prop Shf Pinion Flg 5 545 44 GASKET Diff Carr Cvr 5 399 7 FLANGE Prop Shf Pinion Includes 45 COVER KIT Diff Carr Includes Items Item 6 5 545 44 46 47 5 398 8 WASHER Drive Pinion Oil Slinger Nut 5 545 46 BOLT Diff Carr Cvr 5 398 I 9 NUT Shf Pinion Brg 5 595 47 CASE ASM Diff Less Internal Gears 5 510 10 NUT Strg Arm 6 897 48 BOLT Hyd Drive Gear 5 531 11 ARM Strg 6 103 49 PIN Pinion Shf Lk 5 518 12 GASKET Strg Knu King Pin Cap 6 225 50 SHAFT Axle Inner RH 6 055 13 SPRING Strg Knu King Pin Cmpr 6 203 51 BOLT Strg Knu Stop 6 009 14 RETAINER King Pin Bushing Spr 6 203 52 NUT Hex Jam 3 B 24 8 915 Y 15 BUSHING King Pin 6 203 53 KNUCKLE ASM Strg RH Incl Items 16 STUD Strg Arm Mtg 6 026 27 51 52 6 020 17 KNUCKLE ASM Strg LH Incl Items 54 CAP Strg Knu King Pin 6 225 16 27 51 52 6 020 55 BOLT Hex 1 2 20 x 1 1 2 8 900 18 CAP King Pin Brg 6 225 56 DEFLECTOR Otr Shf Oil 6 056 19 WASHER Hvy Spr 1 2 8 931 57 SEAL Otr Shf Oil 6 061 4 20 BOLT King Pin Brg Cap 1 2 20 x 1 58 SPACER Otr Shf Brg 6 056 1 4 8 900 59 BEARING KIT Spdl Otr Shf W Seal 21 SHAFT Axle Outer 6 055 Spacer 6 056 22 REPAIR KIT Axle U Jt 6 060 60 SPINDLE KIT Whl Includes Bearing 23 SHAFT Axle Inner LH 6 055 Seal Spacer I 6 020 24 SEAL King Pin Brg Cap Lub 6 225 61 BRACKET Brk Clpr Mtg 4 665 V 25 BEARING ASM King Pin Cap 6 021 62 SHIELD Disc Brk Splash 4 665 I 26 RETAINER King Pin Brg Cap 6 225 63 NUT Hex Prev Torq 1 2 20 8 917 27 BOLT Spindle Mtg 6 022 64 HOUSING ASM W Caliper 4 665 28 SEAL King Pin 6 225 65 SEAL Hub to Spdl Inner 6 326 29 PIN King Pin 6 203 66 BEARING ASM Hub Inner 5 536 6 311 30 CONNECTOR Vent Hose 6 008 67 HUB DISC ASM 5 809 31 SHIM Pinion Brg 5 460 68 BOLT Whl 5 812 I 32 BEARING ASM Drive Pinion Rear 5 484 69 BEARING ASM Hub Otr 5 536 33 SLINGER Pinion Brg Inner 5 484 70 WASHER Hub Nut V 5 830 34 GEAR KIT Ring Pinion 5 529 71 NUT Hub Brg Adj 5 829 35 SHIM Diff Brg Adj 5 537 72 LOCK Hub Brg Adj Nut 5 830 36 BEARING ASM Diff Side 5 536 73 SPACER Shf Drive Gear 6 063 37 SEAL ASM W Guide Inner Shf 6 061 74 GEAR Shf Drive 6 063 38 BEARING CAP BOLT Part of Item 75 RING Drive Gear Ret 6 308 1 N S 76 CAP Grease 6 330 I WAREHOUSlNG AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK 51A 1 I 2 83 6 7 6 000 GROUP