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Master Parts Catalog April 1950 |

N E This Thumb Index is for your colnvenience How INDEX operates Bend book backward to locate black spots appearing on tlhe lirst page of each tion These s ots are in the same relative position as tlhis GROUP INDEX group sec P TT TVETTOIIWC T raglne 0 000 L Clutch 0 787 Cooling 1 062 I Oiling 1 426 Electrical PARTS CATALIDIG Fuel System 3 001 F 0 R Carburetor 3 725 I Pump 3 900 C H T Transmission f 4 003 4 447 Brakes MODEL 1929 1950 4 sas 5 266 EH 1 l A 1 1 l950 R r Axis ac We pn I Propeller Shaft supmauu unmet ram ware nlm ettectlve April 1 1949 rt 11 A sow 5 381 5 546 J PARTS ORDERS TO BE PLACED BY CHEVROLET DEALERS WITH Universal him Brake Drums GENERAL MOTORS PARTS DIVIE ON 5 548 5 875 GENERAL IMOTORS CORPORATION L Front Axle 6 008 WAREHOUSES CONVENIENTLY LOCATED AT THE 1 0L1 ow11vc 1 POINTS I K 8 Amarillo Texas Detroit Mich Louisville Ky Portland Maine I L L Atlanta Georgia El Paso Texas Memphis Tenn Po rt1cnd Oregon S I Baltimore Md Fargo N D Milwaukee Wis Richmond Virginia tecllng Birmingham Ala F1int Mich Minneapolis Minn ng 1 Louis MO 508 6 890 Blo0mtie1d N I Fort Worth Texas New Orleans La SGH Luke City liltuh Ezzlzm sz l z e 1 12 221 r s Charlotte N C Indianapolis Incl Oklahoma City SMQI On q Absorbers Chicago Ill Iacksonville Fla Okla 1 W sh 1 003 7 401 Cleveland Ohio Kansas City Mo Omaha Nebr sj hl V PO1 l Lu Denver Colo Long Island City Philadelphia Pa V NUYS C lil Des Moines Ia N Y Pittsburgh Pa Vllzchita Kansas SPIIHQS Master Warehouses 7 41z l7 537 Major Supply Depots Factory Warehouse CHEVROLET JNIOTOR DIVIISDON gI glbizt GENERAL 1v1c l c Rs CORPORATION stumaud puts DE 1 1 zc 1 r 2 1v11cH 8 888 I Miscell 1 Prices subject to change without notice 9 008 9 8 0 I I Supplementary 1 Data I mmm rmd m Lm i rr rLA mmm mA Parts History h Index l Copyright 1950 General Motors Corporation P A 30 Revised z April 1 1950 Alphabetical Litho in U S A Index