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Parts and Illustration Catalog 44N February 1991
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I I B U I I lil rw I I C Il ASSIS GROIJIP 1 000 BUICK BUICK l I SYSTEM GIIFIII LE OIL SYSTEM COOLING ll ALPHABE I ICIAL IINIDEX A l Z2 CI Engine Cooling 1 219 iZfZ lxIIl IEEC I OR Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 i ZZ0l llNEECTOR Engine Coolant By Pass Hose 1 097 ADAPTER Oil Filter 1 840 i fZ l llNEEC l OR Engine Coolant Recovery 1 240 ADHESIVE SEALER Oil Pan 1 429 lZ Z Nll lEEC l 0R Oil Filter 1 855 i Z l I VEERSION KIT Engine Coolant By Pass lHose 1 097 lZZ RIZ Engine Coolant Warmer 1 152 B lZZ RIEE Engine Cooling 1 219 i1lZ Vl ER1 Engine Coolant Pump 1 073 llI V ERl Oil Pump 1 723 BAFFLE Oil Pan 1 430 BAFFLE Radiator Air 1 272 BALANCER Engine Oil 1 652 BAR Radiator and Front End Tie 1 271 D BEARING Oil Pump 1 639 BELT Drive Belts 1 066 BODY Engine Coolant Pump 1 073 llJ IEFl EC l OR Oil Filter 1 837 BOLT Crankcase 1 745 llJlEFl EElCZ1 lOR Radiator Air 1 272 BOLT Engine Fan Coolant 1 060 BOLT Engine Coolant 1 069 BOLT Engine Coolant Pump 1 073 BOLT Engine Coolant Pump 1 079 E BOLT Engine Coolant 1 153 BOLT Engine Coolant Outlet 1 154 BOLT Engine Oil Pan 1 428 IEI El Z l ll Crankcase 1 745 BOLT Engine Oil 1 652 IEI El f W Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 BOLT Oil Filter 1 840 IEX l IEEI l1Sl N Radiator and Front End Tie 1 271 BOLT Oil Pump 1 639 BOLT Oil Pump 1 656 BOLT Oil Pump 1 657 BOLT Oil Pump 1 723 F BOLT Radiator Grille and Front Encl Panel 1 269 BOLT Thermostat 1 251 BOLT Ventilator Outlet 1 780 FAN KIT Engine Air Cooling Elec trical 1 055 BOOT Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 FILLIERI Front End and Bumper Close Out 1 263 BRACE Engine Fan Coolant 1 060 FILTIEFI Oil Filter 1 836 BRACE Oil Pump 1 656 IFITTING Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 BRACE Radiator Grille and Front End Panel 1 267 IFITTING Engine Coolant Recovery 1 240 BRACE Radiator and Front End Tie 1 271 IFITTING Oil Filter 1 855 BRACKET Crankcase 1 745 BRACKET Engine Air Cooling EIectricaI 1 055 BRACKET Engine Fan Coolant 1 060 BRACKET Front End and Bumper Close Out 1 263 G BRACKET KIT Engine Air Cooling EE ei trical 1 055 BRACKET Radiator Grille and Front End Panel 1 267 BRACKET Radiator 1 270 Ei ASKEE T Engine Coolant Pump 1 079 BRACKET Radiator and Front End Tie 1 271 Ei ASKEE T Engine Coolant Outlet 1 154 IEIASKET l IT Engine Coolant Pump 1 079 IEEASKEET l IT Engine Coolant Pump to Cover 1 114 GASKET IT Engine Coolant Outlet 1 154 C GASKET KIT Engine Cooling 1 219 GASKET Oil Filter 1 840 EiASKE T Oil Pan 1 429 CAP Crankcase Oil Filler 1 758 GASKET Oil Pan Drain Plug 1 456 CAP Engine Coolant Recovery 1 240 GASKET Oil Pump 1 656 CAP Oil Level 1 516 GASKEET Oil Pump 1 657 CAP Radiator Filler 1 203 GASKEET Oil Pump Cover 1 724 CAP Thermostat 1 251 GASKEET Thermostat Housing 1 252 CLAMP Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 GEAIR Oil Pump 1 639 CLAMP Engine Coolant Recovery 1 240 GRIL L lE Radiator Grille 1 266 CLAMP Hose Radiator Heater A C 1 166 IGRONIII IIET Crankcase 1 745 CLIP Engine Coolant Recovery 1 240 GROIVIII IIET KIT Engine Air Coo ing EIectricaI 1 055 CLIP Oil Filler Tube 1 750 GUAFIIZI Radiator Fan 1 277 1991 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE F AR l Si O PERATlONS BUICK 44NK 1 1 1n INDEX