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1960 66 Four Wheel Drive Front Suspension 6 19P 1965 66 Ser 10 thru 30 283 327 A C Compressor A I 1957 59 1 2 Ton Four Wheel Drive Front Axle Mounting 9 5P Cross Section 6 20P r 1967 72 CK Air Conditioning Controls and f 1960 68 Four Wheel Drive Front Axle r Cables 9 6P Cross Section 6 21P 1967 72 CK Air Conditioning Heater and Ducts 9 7P 1957 59 Four Wheel Drive Front Axle Carrier 1967 72 CK Air Conditioning Air Outlet Hoses 9 8P A A Assembly 6 22P V1967 72 CK Air Conditioning Air Shut Off Valves l 1960 69 Four Wheel Drive Front Axle Exploded 6 23P Brackets 9 9P A 1960 69 3 4 Ton 4 Wheel Drive Looking Hub 6 24P 1967 72 CK Air Conditioning Compressor Mounting 1971 72 Four Wheel Drive unit 6 2sP Fan and Pulleys 9 10P 1971 72 4 lN D Front Axleand Hub Assy 6 26P 1967 72 CK Air Conditioning Condenser V 1971 72 K 1 2 Blazer Front Axle 6 27P Receiver and Evaporator 9 11P 1970 72 K 2 Hub Lock Assembly 6 28P 1969 72 CK Air Conditioning Roof Mounted 1971 72 I 1 Hub Lock Assy 6 28P Evaporawr and Blower Assembly 9 12P 1960 62 1 2 and 3 4 Ton Front Suspension 6 29P 1969 72 CK Air Conditioning Roof Mounted Engine r 1963 66 1 2 and 3 4 Ton Front Suspension 6 29P A Compartment Hose Routing 9 12P 1964 70 G 10 20 Front Suspension 6 30P 1969 72 CK Air Conditioning Roof Mounted A 1963 65 Light Duty Truck Front Wheel Hubs A 6 31P A Compressor Generator and Muffler 9 13P 1969 70 CKP 1 2 Steering Column 1969 72 CK Air Conditioning Roof Mounted exc Tilt Wheel V 6 32P Compressor Support 9 13P l 1969 70 Tilt Steering Column V 6 34P 1967 70 Cab Side Cowl Ventilator V 9 14P 1970 72 Front Suspension Models PE PS 31042 6 36P 1971 72 C K 1 2 3 Air Conditioning Compressor 1956 70 I Beam Front Axle 6 37P Mountings A9 15P V V V 1971 72 G Truck Air Conditioning Front Condenser Rcvr Dehy 9 16P FRAME SPRINGS BUMPER V 1971 72 G Truck Air Conditioning Electrical A C 62 and C 63 9 17P i 1960 62 1 2 3 4 and One Ton Frames 7 1P 1971 72 G Truck Air Conditioning Front Evap and 1963 72 1 2 and 3 4 Ton Frame 7 2P Blower Assy 9 17P 1961 62 Double Duty Chassis 7 3P 1971 72 G 1 2 3 8 Cyl Air Conditioning Front r 1963 72 Double Duty Chassis 7 3P Duct Assy 8l Outlets 9 18P A l 1960 62 1 2 and 3 4 Tm nearsuspensgon 7 4P 1971 72 CK 1 2 3 Air Conditioning Freon Hoses 9 19P A 1963 66 Ser 1 0 20 Auxiliary Spring 7 5P I 1972 CK 1 2 8 Cyl Air Conditioning Over 1960 65 One Ton Rear Suspension 7 6P Head Shroud Assy 9 20P V 1917 72 C 1 2 Auxiliary Spring 7 7P 1971 72 CK 10 thru 30 A C Control Vaive 1971 72 G 10 thru 30 Front Stabilizer 7 8P Vacuum Tank Assy 9 21P 1971 72 K 1 2 Front Spring and Hangers 7 9P 1969 72 CK 10 thru 30 A C Compressor Muffler V 1964 70 G 10 20 Front Suspension 7 10P ASSY 9 22P 1955 59 Wheel Carrier Assembly 7 11P 1969 72 CK 10 thru 30 A C Control Valve Vacuum 1960 62 Series 10 thru 30 Wheel Carrier 7 12P Tank Assy 9 22P 1960 62 Side Mounted Wheel Carrier 7 13P A 1969 72 Step Van Front Bumper Mounting 7 14P i Vi 1969 72 CK 1 2 3 Rear Bumper 7 1sl INTERIOR AND PANELS 1971 72 CK 1 2 3 Front Bumpers 7 15P 1971 72 G 10 thru 30 Front Bumper 7 16P 1957 3 000 Series Panel Truck 16 1P 1971 72 G 10 thru V30 Rear Bumper 7 16P 1959 Fleetside Truck 16 1P 1960 Fleetside Pick Up Truck Rear View 16 2P A 1960 Stepside Pick Up Truck V 1 6 2P e A SHEET METAL HEATER V 1961 Fleetside Plex up Truek A 16 3P A r 1962 Fleetside Pick Up Truck L 16 3P 1960 62 Truck Front End Exploded 8 1P 1963 Fleetside Pick Up Truck 16 4P 1963 65 Truck Front End Exploded 8 2P 1964 Fleetside Pick Up Truck 16 4P 1967 68 Series 10 20 30 Front Sheet Metal 1967 68 Stepside Pick Up Truck 16 5F Exploded 8 3P 1967 68 Fleetside Pick Up Truck A 16 SP 1969 72 Series10 20 30 Truck Front End A r 1969 70 Blazer Q 16 6PA A Sheet Metal Exploded A 8 4P 1964 66 G 10 Front End 16 7P A 1971 72 G 10 thru 30 Hood Lock Catch and 1964 66 G 10 Side and Rear End 16 7P SupportABaffIe and Tie Bar 8 5P 1965 66 G 10 Sport Van Side View 16 8P 1971 72 G 10 thru 30 Hood Hinge and Support 8 5P 1967 70 G 10 20 ort Van 16 9P 1971 72 G 10 thru 30 Hood Latch Mounting Plate 8 6P 1967 70 G 10 20 Panel 16 9P 1960 62 Deluxe Heater Assembly 8 7P 1957 Windshield Wiper 16 10P 1960 62 Recirculating Heater and Hoses 8 8P 1958 59 Electric Windshield Wiper 16 10P 1967 72 Heater Wiring Distributor and Duets 8 9P 1960 62 Windshield Wiper Motor and Linkage 16 11P 1967 70 G 10 20 Heater Details l 8 10P 1969 70 CK 10 thru 30 Wiper Linkage 16 12P A A 1969 70 CK 10 thru 30 Heater Control 8 11P 1971 72 G 10 thru 30 Windshield Washer Nozzles A A Hose and Jar 16 13P V 1957 Conventional Cab Front Sheet Metal BODY MOUNTING AIR CONDITIONING Exploded 16 14P A 1957 Conventional Cab Rear Sheet Metal 1959 61 Air Conditioning Compressor and Pulley l Exploded 16 15P v Exploded 9 1P 1960 63 Conventional Cab Sheet Metal Exploded 16 16P A A A 1962 72 Air Conditioning Compressor Exploded 9 2P 1964 66 Conventional Cab Sheet Metal Exploded 16 17P 1965 66 Ser 10 thru 30 A C Duct Bezel 1967 72 Conventional Cab Sheet Metal Exploded 16 18P A Heater Adapter 9 3P 1967 70 G 10 20 Front Sheet Metal Typical 16 19P 1965 66 Ser 10 thru 30 Air Cond Selector 1964 70 G 10 Underbody Assy Typical 16 20P A Evaporator Distributor 9 4P 1964 70 G 10 Underbody Assy Typical 16 21P V GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 72TL f I 111 I