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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958
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TRIZM COMBINATION CI l AR I 1C ntinued c 1956 t m L 1951 N0 M leri l Models N0 Material Models I Copper Pattern Cloth r l Black and Gray Cloth 017 l l an Imitation Leather 101 0 lt0D 650 tBla k Imitation Leather tt lzu UB 1219 626 Charcoal Pattern Cloth tlolillii 651 JBl k cmd Grew Im Lecrfher llzrll Cream Imitation Leather IOIQIZ Bt t tmtt tt0 t th Y 602 Charcoal Ivory iriiitotioii 552 gt j wt r vLtm hLe t e J 1263F Leather Conv V lC mts fm im if J 603 Turqu0ise lvory Imitation 653 7 t n qu 79Y m gather tl253F W lM ecl Met Green Im Leather f 604 cttmthgt Y ll 1 t t com J 0 54 JCh 1 C100 J 1011 19 37 39 Lirsgair E Ow mt Q mu Con V ltlxort Imigition Igtatger 7 7 7 M I t 605 Red Ivory Imitation Leather Conv 005 tLt 3tlLgt t li tlitat On Leather ttot t t9 37 39 606 Medium Greer1 Light Green lylatllam Blaa Cloth w I ii ti Le ther Cem 050 JL ight Eilue Irriitotiori Leather ltOU t9 37 39 607 Medium Bl11e LiQht Blue 657 jclliarcoal Imitation Leather lt 101 tA Imitation Leather Conv lvozry Imitation Leather 621 Copper Tan Imitation 58 Med Met Green Im Leather ltot tA tCttLeathef I L h tCor1 v lLiqt1t Green Imitation Leather arcoa mitation eat er B 1 ll l l L th 1 631 Cream Imitation Lgather tcomh 759 ittv 1 Cd7lt l e7 rt It1nitc Itlon Leatherl101 IA Charcoal Pattern loth C I 579 gtgrv tmttgtjy Legg J 7 39 tw itilE iEl 2L t22itZ h9 1062F 63F me arcoa a ern 0 V t 610 Ivory Imitation Leather t10 i DF 661 Jbtel Med Green Im Leather tO62F 53F 62FC I llngltt green Imitation Leather 629 Red Taupe Pattern Cloth ltotta DF R 1 M t Red Imitation Leather lt gt 5 15 62 p 9C t t t L 7ftf L th r 1O62F 63F 62FC Ch IY ll P tt Cl th 0 er J 030 crggfiolmitgtighl Lgag O 100 7 DF 660 J t t Ft S t Ct 0 1011D 19D 611 Cl laraaal paltam Cloth 106 4 l 1lver Imitation Leather Ivory Imitation Leather l 664 Jtliilelltktgnd green Cloth ttot ID tgt Charcoal Yellow Pattern Cloth t et Green Im Leather 632 Cream Imitation Leather ttlottqt E6 lBlc1 k and Blue Cloth E 633 tgeg tI atlp zPatteri1hCloth ttotttt liioriiom moe im Leather jt0t t0 t0D e miaion ea er Bl tk dT Cl th 580 Medium Greer P tter Cloth lloqtat 3qD 660 Y TtI1tqu0lI IT il7 I eat her tml 1D 79D Light Green Imitation Leathert 1 llglttck and popper Cloth t 590 Medium Green Pattern Cloth ttottatt 661 wB Ztg Imltugon Leather tlOl1D 19D Lt9ht Green tmtt tt tt Leather 7 llilaczk and Yellow Cloth 581 t1o 371 39D 068 lYe lilow Imitation Leather ttm tD t9D 591 Light Bitte Potent Cloth IOM 669 J 1 9 Rei 0t tth ttlgl 1D 19D Light Blue Imitation Loottier l txt t t d iL t gt th y t Z 627lgt1 i i i itittZttZY1 Z Cl th t8 Ei Slg 7 tS rt Yi re l 3 D 39D lR d Tqupe pallam Cloth I R l t Black Dark Green Pat Cloth 628 Red tmttqtton Lguttm 103 D g f 07 llvied Met Green im Leather t0070 300 593 S23 I t he 1 t t 572 l 1 L t i i Bi fi L2 1 37 39D Medium Turquoise Pattern 1 JIBI ick D lr T Cl th 584 tt l0 h Light Itturquoise tlO3 YlD 77 70 llyltrd I urqT1 iselI rit71I Ie7tt7the t0370 30D mi ation eat er Bl k a C Cl h Medium Turquoise Pattern J 774 Beige Ilnllitdtiggpieathzt tt0370 39D 587 Cloth Light Turquoise IOGZZJDF flBlat k and Yellow Cloth l LIr it ti Le lher 070 t Yellow Irriitotioii Leather 0370 390 Medium Turquoise Patterrl tt A flBla ck and Red Cloth 594 Ctethptight Turquetse tt0 5 t 070 llilotl Imitation Leather t03 0 39D Imltcmcm L th Q Met Silver Imitation Leather 585 Charcoal Pattern Cloth tOtat tD 391 371 t I t L 106 D l elflow Imitation Leather t 7 ttloity tjtmtug OH efthif th 1 P ht Mt i t EB 8 J1 9 I1 1 Il 9 1 I 588 Y t g VOi1mtt nLe I tlOl Et 2DF 15778 tttttgltt Grgeizn ItriitaItion1Leather 1O67D ctiorooot Pattern Cloth 679 W fit tum ve m e er t 595 Yellow Imitation Leather t1OJEt 4 J tttitlgt gttte tmtt tt0 L thef 1067 Tan Patte ri Cl th t e urquoise I L th 018 Copper Irgitatign Leather tlO 7D739D 680 ltV0t Y Imttctttott L ttttt 77 J1O67D T P r 2 3 619 giititittgttgretiret t r 681 12 i1S t t 2 t MD 20 tt 1 fi 0t 2 jMet Silver Im t t o L th 7O Eiot per Ir ntatioitt Leather l1O 74 08 t l Ye ll 0w Imitatidrtaliegthgs er tt067D e ium reen mitation 7Met l I t t L th 572 Mrguttietastorirott 1062r 62rct 6sr 000 Red tititlgttointgdfhlr Gr t067D e ium urquoise mitation j Blc ck nd S l Cl th 609 Ctleothexstortrosi h 10 62 r 62rc 6sr 084 lsitter Met thlgttonoreother tt062DF arcoa mitation eat er IJBlc ck d D lr G Cl th stortrost 1 62 r 62r c 6sr 000 lmrh 1 Jagger riii lteolier t0020F 562 Medium Green Gold JB lt d D k Bl Cl th 7 Striped Imitation Leather IZZIGEF 68b J M Ti111t 1nBlue Im Lzithez l1O62DF 616 Charcoal Gray G0ld 687 l Blacl Dark Turquoise Cloth 615 ChStriped guitatior Leather 1SZ l5 E F Med Turquoise Im Leather 1062DF arcoal ray old Bl lt d C C Striped Imitation Leather IEE 688 lBt I e Ilrrtltitcttighpfeatllgth 1O62DF l3 75