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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958
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G ZM IFELEGZRAPHIQIC CQDDE Revised telegraph regulations now maize it possible to specify aotzual part number digits at code word cost when ordering parts by telegram Therefore it will not be nec es sary to use the G M Numerical Code for sending part numbers in telegrcims The Numerical Code should be used in decoding phrases which are always prefixed XL l1 2 2 4 5 6 8 s 0l COIVIIVIONLY ILISZED PI IRASESi CODIING TABULATION 101l Heier order XZLGSG 303 Shipped by truck XLPSP 102 Heier to our wire ot XlLGSM 306 Shipped by air mail XLPSD 103 Heier to our letter of XZLGSP 307 Shipped by air express XLPSU 105 Wvire answer to our wire ot XZLGSO 308 Shipped by parcel post XLPSC 109 Heier to your wire ot 4 XZLGS I 325 Shipped by parcel post special delivery XLPMO 110 Refer to your letter ot XZLGGS 337 Cannot locate your order number date XLPPU 115 Wire answer XZLGGO 338 Do not understand your telegram XLPPC 115 Wire advice XLGGD 346 Cancrelled as per your request XLPRD 132 Wire if unable to ship today l XZLGPM 351 Material shipped cannot cancel as requested XLPOG 134 Ship today XZLGPR 368 Advise Body Style paint combination numbers 135 Urgent car tied up XZLGPO for parts your order number XLPDC 141 Check and advise by wire XLGRG 371 Vlfire part number l XLPUG 151 Ship by express i XZLGOG 372 Advise engine number for parts your order 152 Ship by freight r XZLCOM number XLPUM 15 1 Ship by truck XZLGOR 373 Advise Body and job number forparts your order XLPUP 157 Ship by air mail XLGOU 385 No record part number XLPCO 158 Ship by air express XLGOC 399 Pam number and description do not agree XLPTT 159 by pumgl p st XELGOT 462 Refer to parts release and change notice number XLRDM 160 ohip by parcel post special delivery XLGDS 463 Refer O dealer service department bulletin XLRDP 170 Cancel our order of i XZLGUS y d 174 C 1 H t d XLGUR 513 Change our or er to read as ollows XLOGP Jcnce O Owmg 1 ems on or er I 514 Chan e shi in instructions on our order to 181 Add to our order XILGCG pp g xL GR 190 Wire shipping date our order i XLGTS mq 191 Wire uu forwarding information l H Q l l AXLGTG 517 I1nc rre t parts received on our order XLOGU 253 HOW und when did you Ship M x LM P 519 Advise which is correczt XLOGT 296 Expect to ship your order XILMTD 609 URGENT C Y I P Y 111V XLDST 301 Shipped by express i XZLPSG 615 Advise only on item s which you are unable to 302 Shipped by freight XZLPSIVI ship complete XLDGO CODE PIIRASES CLASSZIFIIED REFERENCE Sl II1IPPE I DR SENT See Code Nos 101 102 103 109 110 4452 463 See Code Nos 301 302 303 306 307 308 325 351 SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS SIIIZIPPIIWG See Code Nos 338 368 371 372 373 385 399 519 See Code No 296 CANCELLATION INQUIREIZIES ON SHIPMENTS See Code Nos 170 174 346 81 351 See Code Nos 190 191 253 337 ADDITIONS CHANGES SUBSTITIJFTNZINSS Ik ERRORS REIi LY See Code Nos 181 513 514 517 See Cade Nos 105 115 116 141 190 191 SHIP OR SEND URIEEENIJBY See Code Nos 132 134 151 152 154 157 158 159 160 See Code Nos 135 609