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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 72TL May 1979 Transmission - Brakes ->
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A A A A A9 9 1967 thru 19972 r I A 9 A e I MODEL AIDENTIFICATION 9 I I C y 9 A A All 1967 through 1972 Chevrolet 10 through 30 trucks are identified A A A I by this model designation system It consists of 7 characters 2 letters A followed by five numbers The first letter identifies the chassis type A A y 9 9 and thesecond identifies the engine type The first number designates A V the GVW range the second and third identify the cab to axle A dimension and the last two identify the body and brake type 9 For example 9 A I A A A A A A C E 5 1A7 03 A A 1 cnmas Type I 9 A A AI 2 Engine Type I A 9 3 GVW Range A A I 4 CA Dimension 9 5 Body and Brake Type 9 A The keys to these five parts of the model designation 9 V A are contained in the following codes 1 A 2 y A 3 A Chassis Type I Engine Type A GVW R I C Conventional 4 x 2 E VB gasoline A9 1 3900 5800 Series 10 60 M V6Agasoline 2 5200 7500 G Forward Control 4 x 2 S Six cyl gasoline 9 3 6600 14 000 Body Frame Integral V V6 Detroit Diesel 4 13 500 18 000 A H Conventional 4 x 2 9 A I A5 15 000 3O 000 A Series 70 80 9 6 19 000 45 000 J Conventional 6 x 4 y 7 21 000 44 500 Series 70 B0 Q A A I A A 8 23 000 500 K ConventioneI 4 x 4 A 9 A I M Conventional 6 x 4 A V y 9 A 9 Series 60 A A P Forward Control 4 x 2 I 9 9 9 A Conventional A S Bus Chassis 4 x 2 9 9 9 g T TiIt Cab 4 x 2 A 9 9 V 4 A A A 5 9 A 9 CA Dimension A A el Body and Brake Type 1 42 18 108 1 13 2 Chassis Cowl V 9 8 48 53 19 114 119 3 Cab and Chassis A A 9 54 59 zn 12g 1z5 4 Cab and Stepside Pickup Box A 10 60 65 A 21 126 131 y 5 Chevy Van 9 A 12 72 77 A 22 132 137 A 6 Suburban or Sportvan with Panel 13 78 83 23 138 143 Rear Doors 14 84 89 24 144 149 A 9 13 Chassis Cab Air Brakes g 15 90 95 26 150 155 A 14 Utility A 16 96 101 28 168 173 16 Suburban with Tail Liftgate 17 1 O2 107 31 186 191 32 Motor Home Chassis Cowl to axle dimension shown 9 V FI wd Pwkup Box A V el Brake type is hydrauliclun es 9 A 55 St p Van King Aluminum A mhormu p m d 36 Beauville Sportvan V A V 42 Chassis only 9 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOT01 Is CORPORATION CHEVFlOLET 72TL r A y 10 A