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1 S ANDAJR D PA RT I I 1 C5 E C I O N This section contains the listing of all regular standard parts plus miscellaneous body standard parts which are special or otherwise not listed in the regular standard parts grouping ILLIUTSTRATED INDEX The following index will enable quick reference to the type of standard part required and refers directly to the group number in this section where they are listed in detail A i s use zrumrrsgci s1 oim umm naoiurs mixncou nun nom Nurs ams Giroup Q ca 4 Q immmm nl r1n A r s1 0 r r u mum 1 1rs H K NU 1 r p M16 mzxnccu umn IlOL 1 S Gxoup moat P 8 www 9 CASTLE NUTS Gr0up 8 917 nvm Ann mm s m 1rm HEAD BOL l S Gx0up 8 909 HUB BOL 1 S Group 8 901 E SLOTTED NUTS Group 8 917 SQUARE HEAID BOL 1 S G1ruu p 8 911 sup n01 rs cmup moz LOCK NUTS Gr up 8 917 IFRUSIS SI O 1 l ElZI HEAZD STOVE BOLTSG Group 8 913 muuu umn cluuumz mm s 3 numa Nurs cmup mis Hnxncon Nurs cm erm fi A ROUND SLOTTEID HEAD BOLTS WING NU l S Group 8 920 6 P 8 906 ZROTUND CLUTCH HEAD BOILTE 8 91 4 9 9 Qm A 273 on n 4 An y