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GENERAL DATA SIX CYLINDER MODELS Continued The following data covers Chevrolet passenger cars and light commercial Advertised vehicles for the 1941 Selling Season Delivered INumber of Cylinde1 84 i e Ave Price at All Chevrolet I0del8 B0re and Stroke 3 50 x 3 75 d h lp lived LW F 0t0r Home Power 20 4 l i0 el Weight Weight Price Flint l 11ch Starting Serial Numbers for 1941 models begin with 1001 using the SERIES AN1 ASpEC AL TON COMMERC1AL prefix letters for the various model groups given below Exa mple A 1001 WHEELBASE 134 VVeiizhts include front and rear bumpers spare wheel End tire Wl1eel p 1 A 3 30 I base for A and AH models is l16 mm Y 770 I0 810 00 84800 R l i l is 00 IG 4 p SERIES Y1v 1 T0 i1EAvY DUTY TRUCKS Advertised WHEELBASE 134 D l d Ylinssis 2970 3165 570 00 601 00 N0 Ave Ave I i0 eEia El Chassis and Cub 3410 3605 660 00 603 00 of Ship Road List Factory Open Express 3925 4120 745 00 780 00 Model l a 8 Viveight Weight Price Flint Mich panel 4055 4250 i8 llOpy D SERIES l G MASTER DE LUXE PASSENGER AND Platform 3960 4155 715 00 749 00 COMMERCIAL Stake 4230 4425 740 00 775 00 Town Sedan 5 3050 3175 715 00 754 00 Sport Sedan 5 3090 3215 755 00 795 00 gggugs yS n i1 T N HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS Business Coupe 2 3020 3145 675 00 712 00 WHEELBASE 160 S d D 1 y 304 3170 715 00 748 Chassis 3225 3420 505 00 627 00 Coupe Pickup 2 715 00 754 00 Chuqig and Cab 3650 3845 685 00 719 00 5 Passenger Coupe 5 3025 3150 705 00 743 00 Platkb m 4355 4550 75300 790 00 S k 4f G5 48 0 795 00 831 00 SERIES AH SI E TIAL DE LITXE PASSENGER AND SEED Rack 4 4560 5 g5 g25 0 35100 COMMERCIAL Stake Express 4710 4005 810 00 846 00 Town gegan 5 3095 3220 770 00 810 00 Qport e an 3125 3250 810 00 851 00 ye we i iylecmne Sedan lllv I 5 3130 3255 83500 877 00 SLEIRS YT SCHOOL BL CH 2bSIS WHEELBASE 195 Business toupc 2 3040 3155 73 76Q Chassis 3720 3910 720 00 758 00 Station VVagun 8 950 00 995 00 5 Pa8senger Coupe 5 3050 3175 760 00 800 00 1 7 w 7 i V Y t cumioiee 005 00 040 00 bERH S X L CAB Q EI PE I E1 QI 3l Y DMY TRLCKS The following data covers Chevrolet commercial vehicles and heavy Chassis 1 4 685 00 719 00 duty trucks for the 1941 Sellliig Seusohi Chassis and Cab 795 00 831 00 PI tf 850 00 887 00 Number 0f Cylinders 6 Stgkii 875 00 912 00 Regular Commercial and Truck I I0t0rs Boreiland Stroke 3 50 x 3 75 S A V II P 2 l w r 94 SERIES Yv c AB i1E10 ENc11NE 11E8vY DUTY TRUCKS Number of Cylinder8 r6 WHEELBASE 132 Optional Heavy Duty Truck Motor Bore and Stroke 3 5 x 3lMg Chassis i 4 710 00 744 00 lS A E Horse Power 30 45 Chassis and Cub 820 00 856 00 Pl tf 890 00 927 00 NOTE The letter preGxes in the engine serial number distinguish heavy Stgksllll 1 i 11 93 0 968 00 duty motors from regular motors In 1941 C E jobs ii heavy dt ll h tl fi AI d I vgnii iggiiiiiizi 311i 115 iii p 80x A iii Sum m r l SERIES Yw 4cAB g E i0 L1 E15 Ai11 may lRUCIxS NOTE Heavy duty front axles which are regular equipment on C r E Chassis 735 00 770 00 series and special equipment on series YR and YS may be identified Chassis and lab 845 00 882 00 by the front wheel hub cap I hi8 hub cap is attached to the hub with 1ix 20 x hex lid bolts on a 3 dia bolt circle Starting Serial Numbers for 1941 models begin with 1001 using the prefix letters for the various groups as given below Example YRl001 Weights fm the Tml Lighl Delivery End T Onlllmerclul seliles The following data covers Chevrolet passenger cars and light commercial include front and rear bumpers spare wheel and tire Weights for 1 lon vehicles for the 1042 Selling Season and 1 VQ I c n Trucks include front bumper and in this series Road Weights N b f 1 d 6 include spare tire l um er 07 cy m Us I All Chevrolet I0dels Iicre and btroke 3 00 x 3 7 1 Prices and weights cover trucks with single rear wheels lb A E H Power 729 4 Starting Serial Numbers for 1942 Models begin with 1001 usurg the Standard equipment tire sizes are as follows prel lx lette1js for the various model groups given below x11mple B l 0 i Tm Light D8 iV ry G 0 X 1074 ply mnt and rem Xifggitsclgciutle and rear bumpers spare wheel Wheelbase for 1 Ton C0m1ner0ial I5 6 ply front and rear anR lm t 9 S S t 6 00 16 4 1 Series AN Special 34 0nri r7 0 x l7 6 ply frimg am rear egu ar ne 0 l l0 0 is X f D y Series YR and YS IE6 0n 45 00 x 20 6 p y mn 32 6 8 ply single rear Ad tj d Ad g d Series Y I 195 Cha8sis 32 x 6 j8 ply front and dual rear Delififeiii g i i gi i Series Y W Tabe0ver Engine Trucks 6 00 x 20 e Nu Ave AV Price at Price gt 6 ply front 32 x 6 8eply slrmle rear of Ship Road List Factory List Factory l I0deI Pass Wgt Wizt Price Flint hlich Price Flint Mich i T l i w Spare Tire and w outa Spare Tire e were Tube un Tube Ave Ave Price at Shiv R0 l l i it l 0t ry SERIES 18 8TY1 1cMA8TE11 MASTER DE LUXE Model Weight Weight Price Flint Mich 1 A881 1NGER AND COMMERCIAI 4 r T n Sedan 5 3090 3220 800 00 865 00 793 00 857 00 R E AJ 0g F f lg A l l1T DEl Bmw six Sedan 5 3110 3240 840 00 007 00 888 00 899 00 J Bus Coupe 2 3050 3180 760 00 822 00 753 00 814 00 DI Bl Dl Tl PANFZL See Special Unite Parts B 0k 8811aii1 e11 eiy 3080 3210 800 00 858 00 793 00 845 00 SERIES AK Vg TON LIGHT 1 EI 1VERY M Coupe Pickup 2 L 800 00 805 00 793 00 857 00 WHEELBASE Hy 5 P1a 88 l0upe 5 3045 3175 790 00 854 00 783 00 846 00 Chassis 2235 23 5 450 00 478 00 Chassis and Cab 2630 2770 540 00 569 00 SERIES BII I LEETMASTER SPECIAL DE 1 UXE gab and Box 2870 3010 570 00 600 00 PASSENGER AND C Ml IERCIAL anel 3090 3220 655 00 680 00 i 4 r r 0 0 il 0 il 0 A l 3330 3400 80000 007 00 l 1i S fi3 TS Sli 3 32 38 83 3338 4 C l Y i i A A 90 00 722400 Bus wipe Z 2 3070 3200 815 00 880 80 03 00 872iOO St t Warori 8 1005 00 1175 0 1 8 00 1167 00 SERIES AI TON COM MERCIAL WHEELBASE l25 5 01 IT 0ui e 5 3085 3215 845 00 912 00 838 00 904 00 Chassis v4 V 4 2400 2540 52500 55000 Cabriolet 5 1080 00 1159 00 1073 00 1151 00 ghg ss1sda1r d Cub 2335 615 00 648 00 0 0 OX l 0 3 60 F55 00 f 8ll 00 11 1 ETL1NE 81 Ec1A1 DE LI XE 1 A8s1 1GE gzriegl 355 3495 760 00 795 00 gigisn B ll L l A R a m 205 334F V6 00 i Stakgr 4 4 335g 34 gggm gAgg Flggafgiqasm 5 3165 3295 920 00 991 00 913 00 983 00 Series Letters AM are used for Ton with Heavy Duty Equipment Aero Sedan 5 3105 3235 880 00 949 00 873 00 941 00 I4