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Parts and Accessory Catalog 44H April 1992 |
1990 TRIM COMBINATIONS COLORS Indicated Basic Vinyl or Leather Finish is Antique BASIC INTERIOR 15 Med Slate Gray 20 Very Dk Sapphire 65 Med Antelope 66 Med Beechwood 68 Dk Auburn 78 Garnet Red SEAT OPTION CODE LEGEND AMG 45 55 C H AS7 45 45 Front Seat A65 Notchback Bench 3 Pass AM5 45 55 12 Way 6 way Pwr Adj 2 Way Lumb Pwr Recl TRIM LEVEL SEATS SEAT OR DOOR DOORS D Deluxe 1 1st Design C Cloth M Custom 2 2nd Design V Vinyl S Standard 3 3rd Design L Leather L Luxury 4 4th Design 5 5th Design A Modified B Modified COMBINATION NUMBER CODING The First Two Numbers indicate the Basic Color i e 19 Black The Third Number or Letter indicates the Type and Design Level as follows Cloth Vinyl B C D E G H J All Vinyl N R V W Y Z Leather 2 3 4 5 6 8 1990 TRIM COMBINATIONS CONT D Seat Very Med Seat Option Trim Level Med Dk Sap Beech Garent Material Styles Code Seats D00r Slate pire wood Red Texture 4HP37 A65 AM6 S4 1C 15H 2OH 66H 78H LUCERNS PRIMA II CL 4HP69 A65 AM6 S2 1AC 15J 2OJ 66J 78J OUADRILLE EMPRESS CL 4HR69 AM6 S4 2BC 15D 20D 66D 78D PRIMAVERA CL 4HR69 AM6 S4 2BC 154 784 ULTRA SOFT LEA SIERRA GRAIN CF DOESKIN GRAIN 4HR37 AM6 S3 2C 15C 20C 66C 78C MANHATTAN LUXOH CL 4HR37 AM6 S3 2C lh5 665 785 ULTRA SOFT LEA 5IERRA GRAIN CF DOESKIN GRAIN 1992 GENERALMOTORSSERVWEPARTSOPERAUONS BUmK A4H 14 000 14 6 4 92