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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog 72TM May 1979 |

4 IDENTIFICATION PLATES I 1 SERIAL NUMBER PLATE Located on th e upper left hinge pillar except School Bus and Chassis Cowl models where it is located on the left side of the dash panel This number basically identifies the unit model 2 GVW PLATE Located on the left kick panel Beginning in 1960 on series 80 units this plate includes the transmission code and the rear axle code and ratio In the following years this procedure was expanded to other Heavy Duty series With this information transmission and rear axle types can be identified by referring to the code listings in the Illustration and Special Information Catalog When codes can not be found on the GVW plate identification must be made by examining the codes stamped on the units themselves Starting with 1966 this information can be found on the Service Parts Identification Plate described below cuE E g gf I lou c 5 B I ISL GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION GENERAL Mcfcks CQRPOIATIQN iQi 2 iTl L l i v I w E72 f s I usrzn IN mow cancmr cum S 2 i EI k wtxnmim cvw ammo I mano cnn sum 2 2x g 1 r 1 uj v u I nm nqyqr PAINT w TH c A GVW Plate Gas Engines GVW Plate Diesel Engines NOTE On Diesel models the GVW Plate will also identify the Diesel engine type 3 ENGINE NUMBER The code stamped on each engine when cross referenced with the Engine Series Number and Suffix Chart in the Illustration and Special Information Catalog P A 25 will accurately identify the engine type of any gasoline powered truck As noted above Diesel type engines are identified on th e GVW plate 4 TRUCK SERVICE PARTS HDENTIFICATION EATE This plate entered production approxi hmately December 1 1962 on 1963 Series 60 except C L and S models and ALL Series 80 trucks It is located below the GVW plate on the left kick panel except on Tilt Cabs where I it is found on the left door pillar Its use was continued throughout the 1964 and 1965 model years Explanation of the information shown on the plate appears on pages 16 17 A 5 TRUCK SERVICE PARTS IDENTIFICATION LABEL Starting with the 1966 model year this label is attached to the inside surface of the dispatch box door of ALL trucks It contains the serial number paint number and SE number lf any In addition all of the Regular Production Options which were installed on the vehicle in production are listed by RPO number and de scription A listing of RPO numbers and their descriptions will be found in this catalog starting on page 19 I GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 72TM i l 19 p L 1An H 7 A j W