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<- Rear Glass - Seat and Adjuster Parts Catalog 31 July 1987 Body Wiring - Folding Top Trim ->
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I I I L l H OLDSMOBILE rn I B ODY GROUP 12 000 I LI 5M B L IJLDSMUBILE HI jI BODY IVIOLDINIGS SHEET METAL ALPHABETICAL INDEX A I ctia atiat Panel 4 4 4 112 810 CI IP Root Panel 4 12 812 CI P Tail Gate Compartment Lid 112 203 APPLIOUE Windshield Root and Quarter 12 075 CLIP Tail Gate or Back Door 112 180 AWNING Rool Panel 12 810 I CLIP Windshield Roof and Ouarter 112 075 I CI P Shroud and Dash and Vent Duct 12 804 I CONDUIT Rear Compartment Lid Release 1 2 243 CONDUIT Tail Gate or Back Door 12 180 B CONDUIT Tail Gate 12 195 CONNEECTOR Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate 12 242 BAG Roof Panel e 12 810 CONTACT Tail Gate 12 195 BAR Front Door Outer 12 895 CONTROL Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate 112 242 BAR Rear Cross Bar e 12 986 COVER Center Pillar and Body Lock Pillar 12 113 BAR Rear Door Outer 12 913 COVER Door Opening Rocker 12 934 BEZEL Root Panel 12 810 COVER Rear Compartment Floor or Tail Gate 12 981 BLOCK Rear Compartment or Tail Gate Lock 12 248 COVER Rear Compartment Lid and Rear End BOW Root 12 952 Panel 12 182 BOX Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate 12 184 COVER Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate 12 242 BRACE Compartment Lid and Tail Gate 12 768 I COVER Rear Quarter Side Inner 12 941 BRACE Dash to Chassis Frame 12 650 C VER Roof Panel 112 810 BRACE Rear Compartment Floor or Tail Gate 12 981 COVER Tail Gate or Back Door 12 180 BRACE Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate 12 184 COVER Tail Gate 12 195 BRACE Rear Cluarter Side Inner 12 941 CYL NDER KIT Rear Compartment or Tail Gate BRACE Rear Cluarter Side Outer 12 940 Lock 112 248 BRACKET Rear Compartment lLid or Tail Gate 12 187 CYL N ER Rear Compartment or Tail Gate Lock 12 248 BRACKET Rear Compartment Lid Release 12 243 BRACKET Roof Top Carrier 12 815 I BUMPER Ash Tray Cover 12 050 BUMPER Fuel Tank Filler Conoeal e 12 945 I BUMPER Instrument Pane Ash Tray 12 009 BUMPER Luggage Compart ment and Floor 12 977 I D BUMPER Rear Compartment Lid 12 212 BUMPER Rear Compartment or Tail Gate 12 249 BUSI IING Rear Compartment lLid or Tail Gate 12 184 DIECAL Front Door 12 112 DIECAL Fuel Tank Filler Conceal 12 945 DECAL Rear Compartment Lid and Rear End Panel 12 182 4 DIECAL Roof Panel 12 812 DIEFLECTOR Rear Wheel Opening A Body 12 116A DIEFLECTOR Roof Top Carrier 12 815 CABLE Tail Gate or Back Door 12 180 DIEFLECTOR Tail Gate or Back Door 12 180 CABLE Tail Gate 12 195 DIEFLECTOR Shroud and Dash and Vent Duct 12 804 CAM Tail Gate or Back Door 12 180 DOOR Fuel Tank Filler Conceal 12 945 CAP Luggage Compartment and Floor 12 977 DOOR Z T Fuel Tank Filler Conceal 12 945 CAP Roof Top Carrier 12 815 I CAP Windshield Roof and Ouarter 12 075 CASE Rear Compartment or Tail Gate 12 249 CHANNEL Roof Panel 12 810 CLIP Ash Tray Cover 12 050 CLIP Ash Tray Fiber Optic Lamp r 12 012 E CLIP Back Body Pillar and Opening 12 968 CLIP Body Molding r 12 118 CLIP Headlining Listing Wire 12 954 IELEIOW Side Root Inner r 12 957 CLIP Luggage Compartment and Floor r 12 977 IEMBLEZM Front Door 12 112 CLIP Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 IEIVIBLEM Z T Tail Gate or Back Door 12 180 CLIP Rear Compartment Lid and Rear End Panel 12 182 IEMBLEIVI Rear Compartment Lid and Rear End CLIP Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate 12 187 Panel 12 182 CLIP Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate 12 242 IEIVIBLEM Roof Panel 12 812 CLIP Rear Compartment Lid or Tailgate 1l2 183 IEESCUTCHEON Arm Rest Ash Tray 12 048 CLIP Rear Door 12 114 IESCUTCHEON Rear Compartment Lid and Rear CLIP Rear End Belt or Panel 1l2 121 End Panel 12 182 CLIP Rear Ouarter Side Outer 1l2 940 IESCUTCI IEON Rear End Belt or Panel 12 121 CLIP Roof Panel Vista Vent 1l2 811 Qi 1987 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATION OLDSMOB LE 31 12 1A II DEX