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ILLUSTRATION INDEX Description Faye No Ducriptien pag Nm GENERAL VEHICLE VIEWS 1960 61 Three Speed Transmission Control Linkage 104 1960 51 Front End Exc F C A A IQ 1960 61 Automatic Transmission Controls 104 1960 61 Deluxe Four nm seam 1 1 20 1960 61 Gemhiir Conuol Details Exc F C 105 1960 61 Monza Club Coupe 4 21 196061 BY k CYl1 d f E Pl0d0d E C 105 1961 Station Wagon 4 22 1961 Forward Control Gearshift Control Details 106 1950 51 Reqr End TypiC 1 I 4 23 1961 Forward Control Brake Pedal 107 1961 Station Wagon Rear End 24 196061 B1 k P d l Li k 9 EXC KC 107 1961 Greenbrier 1 25 1960 61 B1 k P1P mid I i11k 9 EXC KC 108 1961 1 1 k up 1 26 1960 61 P rl i 9 Br k Control Linkuqe Exc F C 109 1961 Panel 27 anna Ax 1961 Greenbrier and Panel Rear End 28 196061 Axle A embly Expl d d Typical t I l A 12 1 ENGINE 1960 61 Axlo Shaft and Shock Absorber Details 130 1960 61 Engine Block 1 1 29 1960 61 Re r S 1 1 Det 11 Typiccl 131 1960 61 Engine Head and Manifold 30 rR r u n l AND lrlznmo 1960 61 Engine Crankshaft Camshaft and Oil Pan 31 1960 61 From Suspsniou Demi Typicunl A A I L A l 141 1960 61 Engine Mounts Front and Rear 32 196061 Signing Gun and mah Etc FIC I illl 142 1960 61 Clutch P d 1 d I 1 D 1l 33 1961 Forward Control seam Gear ua 1 111116 143 1961 Forward Control Clutch Pedal and Linkage 34 196061 Steering Gem ExPl d d kc F C l l l D I U 144 1960 E 1 11 1 1 d Shmd 7 1960 61 s1m1 q any Iacket und 1 1 116 1 s1q 1 146 1961 Engine Shield and Shroud 4 48 1960 En ine Shield Retainer 49 M cELLAN U cnxlsu Itlunnluuul 9 1960 Engine Air 11 01111 vm A 56 96 1 Rm B E Sm F C 55 1961 Engine Exhaust Duct Thermostats I p U p A U 50 1960 61 Station Wagon Front and Rear Bumper 156 1961 Forward Control Front and Rear Bumper 157 1960 61 Gas Heater 11 m1 1y z p1611e11 Typical 163 1960 61 Generator and Mounting Parts 57 196061 Gus Heater Combustion Bl w 1 Expl d d 1960 61 Ignition Distributor 57 Typical 4 164 1960 61 Wiring Harness and Battery Details Exc F C 58 1950 6 Gqg Haute Dmygbugoy qgd Ddmstu Any 1961 Forward Control Battery Details 59 EIC FC 165 1960 61 Tug and BqCk Up Lqmp Damn Ext C 60 1960 61 Gas Heater Control and Cables Exc F C 166 1960 61 Instrument Cluster and Headlamp typical 61 1960 61 H Hob CWM d mw E14 PC 167 1961 License Lamp Details 62 1961 F01 W rd COMIC Gm H t l Ditiribubr Glld run AND zxnlugr Blower 168 1961 Forward Control Gas Heater Control and Harness 169 196061 G h T k D RC 77 1961 Air Heater xm itc 170 1961 Forward Control Gasoline Tank Details 78 1961 Air Hamer Cable d Defm t Distributor F l 81P 1H1p Qlld Pipes Typical Pur Exc l I l h I l b I I l I I I U l I 4 V l 1960 61 Gasoline Feed Pipes EXC 80 1961 Ak Hector Ccnhol and Cable i I l U I I A I V 172 1961 Forward Control Accelerator Pedal and Linkage 81 1961 Ah Heater Blower and Hm A v L 173 1960 61 Accelerator Pedal Details Exc F C 82 1961 Fmwmd control Ah Haq HO and Ak mm 174 196961 C b L TYP1 l 82 1961 romua c6 1m1 A1 Heater me Details 176 1960 61 Accelerator Control Linkage Exc F C 83 196061 Foul DWI Body Shdl Components 189 196961 E h D 1l TYP1 ll y 84 1960 61 Front compurtmm Pan Bail Assy 190 1960 A11 Cl d Ak Hm 85 1960 61 am and Sheet Metal c6 p61m1 4 191 1 1961 Ak Cl 85 1960 61 Body Shell rum aspuu Panels 192 Carburetor Bowl Glld A1 Horn Exploded Four Door Metal Panel I U l I l v I 1960 61 Automatic Choke Thermostate Typical 87 1961 Station Wagon Rem vhwl A r I I t 194 TRANSMISSION 1960 61 Front and Rear Door Parts 195 1960 61 Three Speed Transmission Exploded 99 1960 61 Four Door Folding Seat Details 196 1960 61 Automatic 1 rausmission Exploded 100 1960 61 Hear Seat Compartment Trim 197 1960 61 Automatic Transmission Oil Pump and 1960 61 Instrument Panel 198 R v r Pi 1 A v F 1 1 1 101 1960 61 w1m1 11161d w1p61 ma www 199 1960 61 Automatic Transmission Clutch Drum Exploded 101 196 Forward Comm Fight Shes M8t 1 Exp1 d d 263 1961 Four Speed Transmission Exploded 102 1961 Forward Control prom Undggbqdy Shggf Mem 1961 Forward Control Oil Cooler and Lines 103 Exploded 264 1961 Chevrolet Motor Division 17 comuun 1 An r c mu oa General Motors Corporation